Axygen试剂盒 AP-MD-P-10G AxyPrep 质粒中量制备试剂盒 10 prep 盒 345
NISSUI 日本日水培养基 06618 ID Test NF-18 “Nissui” NF Broth
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品规格 | 产品等级 | 产品价格 |
093-04911 | Ipriflavone 依普拉封 | 500mg | - | - |
012-22661 | Alendronate Sodium Salt Trihydrate 阿仑膦酸钠三水合物 | 100mg | - | - |
018-22663 | Alendronate Sodium Salt Trihydrate 阿仑膦酸钠三水合物 | 500mg | - | - |
189-02461 | Risedronate Sodium Salt n-Hydrate 利塞膦酸钠n水合物 | 100mg | - | - |
185-02463 | Risedronate Sodium Salt n-Hydrate 利塞膦酸钠n水合物 | 500mg | - | - |
CAS No. 35212-22-7 C18H16O3=280.32 纯度:97.0+%(HPLC) 可溶性溶剂:甲醇 用途(作用):直接抑制骨吸收作用。促进雌激素的降血钙素分泌。 |
◆阿仑膦酸钠三水合物(Alendronate Sodium Salt Trihydrate)
CAS No. 121268-17-5 C4H12NNaO7P2・3H2O=325.12 纯度:97.0+%(HPLC) 可溶性溶剂:水 用途(作用):二碳磷酸盐化合物,抑制骨吸收作用。 |
◆利塞膦酸钠n水合物(Risedronate Sodium Salt n-Hydrate)
CAS No. 115436-72-1 C7H10NNaO7P2・nH2O (C7H10NNaO7P2=305.09) 纯度:97.0+%(HPLC) 可溶性溶剂:水 用途(作用):二碳磷酸盐类化合物,选择性分布在破骨细胞附着的骨石灰画面,抑制骨吸收。 |
BD培养基 225630 10 kg EA Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 硫胶质液体培养基
BD培养基 225630 10 kg EA Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 硫胶质液体培养基
4-甲基β-cellopentaoside 4-Methylumbelliferyl-β-cellopentaoside 货号:O-4MUG5 Megazyme中文站
规格:10 mg
CAS: 84325-20-2
Molecular Formula: C40H58O28
Molecular Weight: 986.9
Purity: > 95%
A substrate for research into cellulase (endo-1,4-β-glucanase) or cellulose degrading enzymes.
NISSUI 日本日水培养基 05503 Heart Infusion Agar “Nissui”
Whatman 滤膜 8114-6748 CF4 29CMx84M REEL
Whatman 滤膜 8114-6748 CF4 29CMx84M REEL CF4 29CMx84M REEL
Whatman 滤膜 10537237 ACCUFLOW G 13.5x260MM 25/PK
Whatman 滤膜 10537237 ACCUFLOW G 13.5x260MM 25/PK ACCUFLOW G 13.5x260MM 25/PK
半乳甘露聚糖检测试剂盒 Galactomannan Assay Kit 货号:K-GALM Megazyme中文站
英文名:Galactomannan Assay Kit
规格:100 Assays per kit
The Galactomannon test kit is suitable for the measurement and analysis of Galactomannan in food and plant products.
UV-method for the determination of Galactomannan in legume
seeds, foodstuffs and plant products
(1) Galactomannan + H2O → galactomanno-oligomers
(β-mannanase + α-galactosidase)
(2) Galactomanno-oligomers + H2O → D-galactose +
(β-galactose dehydrogenase)
(3) D-Galactose + NAD+ → D-galactonic acid + NADH + H+
Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Total assay time: ~ 80 min
Detection limit: 1-100% of sample weight
Application examples:
Seeds, milling fractions and food ingredients
Method recognition: Novel method
- Galactose dehydrogenase now included in the kit
- Very cost effective
- All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
- Only enzymatic kit available
- Simple format
- Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
- Standard included
Q1. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.
Q2. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?
Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.
Q3. Is your Galactomannan Assay Kit only suitable for the galactomannan in carob or guar, or can it be used for any type of galactomannan?
The kit can be used for any type of galactomannan. However, to calculate the galactomannan content, you will need to know the galactose/mannose ratio of the galactomannan.
Q4. Concerning your Galactomannan Assay Kit (K-GALM), are there any differences in the assay procedure for carob and guar?
Carob and Guar galactomannan can be measured using essentially the same procedure.
Q5. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
- Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
- Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
- State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
- State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
- State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
- State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.
Q6. The Galactomannan Assay Procedure (GLM 8/98) gives the galactose:mannose ratio for carob. I was wondering if you are aware of any similar data on guar gum, i.e. is there any similar galactose:mannose ratio published for guar gum?
Yes, we did a lot of work on guar gum from numerous samples, and the value we found for it was 38% +/- 1% galactose.
Q7. I am attempting to quantitate Guar Gum or Guaran in baked products. The level of guar in the product is approx. 0.32%. Can the Megazyme Galactomannan Kit be used to measure this?
The Megazyme Galactomannan Kit measures guar and carob galactomannans. The method is based on hydrolysis of galactomannan to galactose and manno-oligosaccharides and the galactose is measured with galactose dehydrogenase. The method could be adapted for levels of 0.3%.
Q8. What is a suitable NAD preparation to use for the Galactomannan Kit?
Megazyme product C-NAD25 is suitable.
Q9. Is there an alternative galactose dehydrogenase product which can be used for the Galactomannan assay method?
Sigma product N-7004 is a suitable alternative to Boehringer Mannheim 662046 and can be used at the same volume per test.
Q10. Can you tell me is it accurate to calculate the total content of galactomannans based on the mannose/galactose ratio, assuming the latter is known? Also, can this ratio vary as a function not only of guar cultivar but also of seasonal variety, etc.?
Yes, we believe that it is possible to accurately measure the galactomannan content based on the known galactose/mannose ratio. In studies we performed many years ago, we found that there was little difference in the ratio of galactomannans extracted from a wide range of carob seed varieties or of guar seed varieties; please refer to the papers cited below:
McCleary, B. V. (1981). Galactomannan quantitation in guar varieties and seed fractions. Lebensm. – Wiss. Technol., 14, 188-191.
McCleary, B. V., Dea, I. C. M., Clark, A. H. and Rees, D. A. (1985). The fine structures of guar and carob galactomannans. Carbohydrate Research, 139, 237-260.
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品规格 | 产品等级 | 产品价格 |
359-20561 | 1,2-O-Isopropylidene-α-D(-)-xylofuranose ≧97.0% 1,2-O-异亚丙基-alpha-D-呋喃木糖 |
5g | Wako | |
357-20562 | 1,2-O-Isopropylidene-α-D(-)-xylofuranose ≧97.0% 1,2-O-异亚丙基-alpha-D-呋喃木糖 |
25g | Wako | |
056-05661 | Ergosterol ≧85.0% 麦角固醇 |
1g | 化学用 | |
052-05663 | Ergosterol ≧85.0% 麦角固醇 |
5g | 化学用 | |
054-05662 | Ergosterol ≧85.0% 麦角固醇 |
25g | 化学用 | |
135-14411 | Methyl Jasmonate ≧85.0% 茉莉酮酸甲酯 |
5mL | 生化学用 | |
133-14412 | Methyl Jasmonate ≧85.0% 茉莉酮酸甲酯 |
25mL | 生化学用 | |
201-20171 | 1-Triacontanol | 100mg | 植物组织培养用 | |
306-02871 | Brassicasterol ≧97.0% 菜籽甾醇 |
100mg | Tama Biochemical | |
322-56502 | Phloroglucinol (Phloroglucinol, Anhydrous) | 25g | Wako | |
326-56505 | Phloroglucinol (Phloroglucinol, Anhydrous) | 500g | Wako | |
CEP1(C-Terminally Encoded Peptide) | ||||
332-44871 | CEP1(C-Terminally Encoded Peptide) | 0.1mg | - | |
Phytosulfokine | ||||
337-32091 | Z-Ala-Ala-Asn-MCA | 5mg | - | |
335-32271 | Ac-Glu-Ser-Glu-Asn-MCA | 5mg | - |
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
容量 |
359-20561 |
1,2-O-Isopropylidene-α-D(-)-xylofuranose ≧97.0% |
Wako |
5g |
357-20562 |
25g |
056-05661 |
Ergosterol |
化学用 |
1g |
052-05663 |
5g |
054-05662 |
25g |
135-14411 |
Methyl Jasmonate ≧85.0% |
生化学用 |
5mL |
133-14412 |
25mL |
201-20171 |
1-Triacontanol |
植物组织培养用 |
100mg |
306-02871 |
Brassicasterol ≧97.0%<br> |
Tama Biochemical |
100mg |
322-56502 |
Phloroglucinol (Phloroglucinol, Anhydrous) |
Wako |
25g |
326-56505 |
500g |
■CEP(C-Terminally Encoded Peptide)
近年来,分泌型短肽在植物形态的形成和环境应答方面的重要作用已经逐渐显著1)。C-Terminally Encoded Peptide(CEP1)是分泌型短肽之一,在植物体中担任抑制氮素吸收的作用2)。
1) Annu.Rev.Plant Biol.,65,385(2014).
2) Plant J.,55,152(2008).
3) Science,346,343(2014).
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
容量 |
332-44871 |
CEP1(C-Terminally Encoded Peptide) |
– |
0.1mg |
1) Y.Matsubayasi and Y.Sakagami,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.,93,7623(1996).
2) Y.Matsubayasi,et al.,Chem.Record.,6.356(2006).
3) A.Bahyrycz,et al.,j.Pept.Sci.,13,787(2007).
4) D.Igarashi,et al.,Plant J.,71,194(2012).
5) N.Sthrwohldt,et al.,PLoS,6,e21054(2011).
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
容量 |
337-32091 |
Z-Ala-Ala-Asn-MCA |
– |
5mg |
335-32271 |
Ac-Glu-Ser-Glu-Asn-MCA |
– |
5mg |
植物研究用试剂 |
Pall颇尔滤膜 4204 FUNNEL FILT PSF 25MM 50ML
Pall颇尔滤膜 4204 FUNNEL FILT PSF 25MM 50ML 235 1878
Whatman 滤膜 US503NPUPES MiniUniPrep非针头滤器SlitSepta0.45m聚醚砜/1000
Whatman 滤膜 US503NPUPES MiniUniPrep非针头滤器SlitSepta0.45m聚醚砜/1000 MUP SS 0.45uM PES 1000/PK
康宁corning 3080 STORAGE MAT III 适用于96孔板与模块的圆孔储存垫 25个/包
康宁corning 3080 STORAGE MAT III
适用于96孔板与模块的圆孔储存垫 25个/包 4包/箱 3210.03
Axygen T-300 0.5-10ul透明短吸头 1000个/包,20包/箱
Axygen T-300 0.5-10ul透明短吸头 1000个/包,20包/箱 3176.31
日本柴田科学仪器 代理商 采样泵(5 to 40 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-L1”
- 日本柴田科学仪器 代理商 采样泵(5 to 40 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-L1”
Pall颇尔滤膜 NP6P2506 SUPRACAP 100 W/P250 MED HB
Pall颇尔滤膜 NP6P2506 SUPRACAP 100 W/P250 MED HB 413 3302
康宁corning 430491 VIAL,4.0ML,RB,SS,INT,PP,S,BK,5 冻存管 4.0ml 圆底 可立式 内旋密盖 PP(聚丙烯)材质 灭菌 大包装 硅胶垫圈 50个/包
康宁corning 430491 VIAL,4.0ML,RB,SS,INT,PP,S,BK,5 冻存管 4.0ml 圆底 可立式 内旋密盖 PP(聚丙烯)材质 灭菌 大包装 硅胶垫圈 50个/包 10包/箱 2411.35
BD培养基 294584 500 g EA BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt 麦康凯琼脂W/O CV OR SALT
BD培养基 294584 500 g EA BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt 麦康凯琼脂W/O CV OR SALT
Whatman 滤膜 10342594 3645 110x170MM 1000/PK
Whatman 滤膜 10342594 3645 110x170MM 1000/PK 3645 110x170MM 1000/PK
抗EGFR抗体[ ep38y ](ab52894)
功能 酪氨酸激酶受体结合的配体的EGF的家人和几个信号转导通路的激活细胞外信号转换成适当的细胞反应。 已知的配体包括EGF、TGFa/TGFα,双调蛋白,纯化/苏州,BTC /β细胞素,表皮调节素/ EREG和HBEGF /肝素结合表皮生长因子。 配体结合导致受体同源和/或异二聚体和关键残基磷酸化胞浆。 磷酸化的受体蛋白Grb2新兵适配器从而激活下游的信号转导通路的复杂。 激活至少4种主要的下游信号通路包括RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK,PI3激酶Akt,plcgamma PKC和统计模块。 也可以激活序列的信号级联。 也直接磷酸化蛋白质像RGS16,激活其GTP酶的活性可能是耦合的表皮生长因子受体信号转导的G蛋白偶联受体信号。 也会增加其与MUC1和Src和CTNNB1 /β-连环蛋白。 2型可以作为EGF作用的拮抗剂。 组织特异性 广泛表达。 2亚型也在卵巢癌中表达。 疾病相关 肺癌 皮肤和肠道炎性疾病、新生儿、2 序列相似性 属于蛋白激酶家族。 酪氨酸蛋白激酶家族。 表皮生长因子受体家族。 包含1个蛋白激酶结构域。 翻译后修饰 在ser-695磷酸化是局部的,只有thr-693磷酸化发生。 在thr-678和thr-693 PPKD1磷酸化的抑制EGF诱导MAPK8 / JNK1的激活。 ptprj防止去磷酸化的内吞作用和稳定在细胞膜受体。 自身磷酸化在tyr-1197被甲基化在arg-1199刺激和增强互动PTPN6。 在tyr-1092和/或tyr-1110新兵STAT3磷酸化。 去磷酸化和PTPN2 PTPN1。 单泛素化和多聚泛素化的表皮生长因子刺激后;不影响酪氨酸激酶活性或信令能力但可能在溶酶体中发挥作用。 多聚泛素连接主要是通过“赖氨酸-63”,而是通过“lys-48联动”、“lys-11 '和' lys-29还产生。 去泛素化降解otud7b防止。 泛素化的rnf115和rnf126。 甲基化。 甲基化的arg-1199 PRMT5刺激磷酸化在tyr-1197。 细胞定位 分泌和细胞膜。 内质网的膜。 高尔基体膜。 核膜。 内体。 内体膜。 核。 针对表皮生长因子,进入细胞膜,高尔基体和内质网的核通过。 内吞后激活的配体。 共存与雌激素激动剂诱导的癌相关成纤维细胞的核gper1(CAF)。 -
蔗糖/D-果糖/D-葡萄糖检测试剂盒 Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit 货号:K-SUFRG Megazyme中文站
英文名:Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
规格:300 assays (100 of each) per kit
分析物意义: 常见食品组分
Megazyme检测试剂盒优点: 选择简单可用的方法,葡萄糖氧化酶/过氧化酶/己糖激酶/6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶。试剂稳定
The Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose test kit is suitable for the measurement and analysis of sucrose, D-glucose and D-fructose in plant and food products.
Extended cofactors stability. Dissolved cofactors stable for > 1 year at 4oC.
UV-method for the determination of Sucrose, D-Fructose and
D-Glucose in foodstuffs, beverages and other materialsPrinciple:
(1) Sucrose + H2O → D-glucose + D-fructose(hexokinase)
(2) D-Glucose + ATP → G-6-P + ADP(hexokinase)
(3) D-Fructose + ATP → F-6-P + ADP(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(4) G-6-P + NADP+ → gluconate-6-phosphate + NADPH + H+(phosphoglucose isomerase)
(5) F-6-P → G-6-PKit size: 100 assays of each
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 30 min
Detection limit: 1.38 mg/L
Application examples:
Beer, fruit juices, soft drinks, milk, jam, honey, dietetic foods, bread,
bakery products, dairy products, candies, desserts, confectionery, sweets,
ice-cream, fruit and vegetables (e.g. potato), meat products (e.g. sausage),
condiments (e.g. ketchup and mustard), feed, tobacco, cosmetics,
pharmaceuticals, paper and other materials
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by NF, EN, NEN,
- Very competitive price (cost per test)
- All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
- Rapid reaction
- Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
- Stabilised D-glucose / D-fructose standard solution included
- Extended cofactors stability
Q1. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.Q2. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?
Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.
Q3. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
- Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
- Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
- State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
- State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
- State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
- State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.
Q4. I am comparing the results from your enzymatic test kit (K-SUFRG) with results obtained by HPLC, and getting different values. Which method works best in general for food and beverage samples?
Comparison between an absolutely specific enzymatic method, such as K-SUFRG, and non-specific methods, such as HPLC, should be performed with great consideration to the limitations involved.
For instance, it is well known that HPLC methods are prone to interference from compounds eluting at the same time as the analyte of interest. Such interference can be very difficult to identify, especially if the elution times of the analyte of interest and the contaminant are very similar.
Take a situation where the D-fructose and sucrose values agree with the HPLC data, but the D-glucose one does not. This indicates that the whole kit functioned correctly during the analysis, as determination of D-fructose and sucrose fundamentally rely on the D-glucose determination reaction (see page 1 of K-SUFRG booklet). In this case interference of D-glucose peak integration, due to a co-eluting contaminant, most likely explains the observation.
To confirm the enzymatic kit is giving the actual and correct values for the analyte(s) of interest, simply spike the sample with a known amount of the analyte, and determine a recovery value, by comparison to an un-spiked sample. The recovery should be certainly +/- 5%, and probably better, depending on the analyst. If this is the case, then large discrepancies between enzymatic kit and HPLC values should be assigned to interference during the HPLC analysis, with the focus being on peak integration.Q5. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?
Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.Q6. The pH of my sample is low (pH ~ 3.0), do I need to adjust this before I use the sample in the kit assay?
The final pH of the kit assay after the sample is added should not change from what it should be (as stated in the kit for the assay buffer). If it does change then the sample will require pH adjustment. In most cases the sample volume being used is low relative to the final assay volume and in this case the pH of the kit assay is unlikely to be affected.
Q7. Can you explain, step by step, how to follow the method and perform the kit assay?
For users who are not familiar with how to use the Megazyme tests kits then it is recommended that they follow this example, e.g. D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay kit K-FRUGL (
1. The kit components are listed on pages 2-3 of the kit booklet.
2. Prepare the kit reagents as described on page 3.
3. For separate measurements of glucose and fructose follow procedure A on page 4.
4. Pipette the volumes listed for water, sample, solution 1 and solution 2 into 3 mL, 1 cm pathlength cuvettes. Duplicate sample assays and duplicate blanks are recommended. Mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion (seal the cuvette using parafilm or a plastic cuvette cap – do not use a finger) then after ~3 min record the first absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A1).
5. Then add suspension 3 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then record the absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A2). NB. It is essential that the reaction is compete. To assess this, record the absorbances at ~ 2 minute intervals and until the absorbance plateaus. A stable absorbance indicates that the reaction is complete. If the absorbance continues to increase then continue to record absorbances until it plateaus and only then record absorbance reading A2.
6. Then add suspension 4 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then take absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A3). NB. As above, assess that the reaction has completed by take subsequent readings at ~2 min intervals.
7. For simple, automated results analysis, input the absorbance readings (A1, A2, A3) for samples and blanks into the K-FRUGL MegaCalc.To ensure that the assay is working, and being performed correctly it is recommend that the test is performed using the standard sample that is provided with the kit and to obtain the expected values before proceeding to test real samples.
It is recommend that new users also watch this video which highlights how to perform the assays.
Many of the other Megazyme test kits follow a similar format.Q8. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?
If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).
Q9. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?
The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:
The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.Q10. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?
For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.
Q11. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?
The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).
Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.Q12. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?
The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.
There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:- The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
- Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
- Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.
Q13. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?
The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.
However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.Q14. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?
Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.
Q15. Must the minimum absorbance change for a sample always be at least 0.1?
No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.BD培养基 231971 6 SP Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement, 10 mL 新生霉素添加剂 10ML
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