抗细胞角蛋白19抗体[ ep1580y ](ab52625)


  • 应用 AB评论 说明 国际商会/如果 1 / 200 – 1 / 500。

    对于未纯化,使用1 / 50。

    免疫组化法 用于测定浓度依赖性。 WB 1 / 50000 – 1 / 200000。检测到的频带的约44 kDa(预测分子量:44 kDa)。

    对于未纯化,使用1 / 10000 – 1 / 50000。

    流式细胞 1 / 30 – 1 / 80。


    ihc-p 1 / 400 – 1 / 800。进行热介导抗原修复免疫组化染色协议开始之前。


    对于未纯化,使用1 / 100。

  • 应用说明不适合IP。
  • 靶标




    胶体滴定(colloid titration) 是一种简单、快速、准确的测定高分子聚合物电荷的方法。Potassium Polyvinyl Sulfate(聚乙烯硫酸钾,PVSK)于水中可形成带负电的胶体颗粒,Glycol Chitosan(GC)或Methyl Glycol Chitosan(MGC)在酸性水溶液中带正电,利用电性中和的原理,负电胶体颗粒的会与正电胶体颗粒反应达到电性中和。在适当的pH条件下,此两种胶体可完全反应形成不溶性沉淀物。使用甲苯胺蓝(Toluidine Blue,TB)为指示剂,与正电性胶体混合时,两者之间没有反应,TB维持蓝色;当悬浮液中胶体带负电时,TB会吸附于胶体表面而现紫色。

    滴定时,正电胶体可直接以PVSK溶液为滴定液,TB为指示剂进行滴定;对于负电荷胶体,可以直接以Glycol Chitosan 或MGC滴定,或加入已知的过量的正电胶体,再以PVSK溶液对剩余的正电胶体进行反滴定。



    货号 品名 包装
    164-21655 Potassium Polyvinyl Sulfate Titration Solution (N/400) 聚乙烯硫酸钾(PVSK)滴定液 500ml 现货供应
    162-03071 Potassium Polyvinyl Sulfate聚乙烯硫酸钾(PVSK) 10g



    货号 品名 包装
    072-05045 Glycol Chitosan Titration Solution (N/200)
    072-01581 Glycol Chitosan
    137-14655 Methyl Glycol Chitosan Titration Solution(N/200)
    134-04731 Methyl Glycol Chitosan
    161-14695 0.0025N Poly(diallyldimethylammonium Chloride) Solution



    货号 品名 包装
    205-05811 Toluidine Blue Indicator Solution甲苯胺蓝指示液 50ml



    货号 品名 包装
    080-06681 Cetylpridinium chloride monohydrate氯化十六烷基吡啶 10g
    086-06683 Cetylpridinium chloride monohydrate氯化十六烷基吡啶 100g



    地 址: 上海市浦东新区东靖路699弄36栋701室

    邮 编: 201208





    网 址: www.jinpanbio.com


    Megazyme 直链淀粉试剂盒K-AMYL说明书

    根据ConA沉淀样品的上清液和与总淀粉样品中的GOPOD在510 nm处的吸光光度值之比判断直链淀粉在总淀粉中的含量。
    瓶子1:冻干的Con A (伴刀豆球蛋白 A concanavalin A) ,200 mg,-20℃下稳定性>5年。
    瓶子2:淀粉葡糖苷酶【200U,条件为消化对硝基苯基β-麦芽糖苷(也就是3300U,条件为pH4.5,40℃下消化淀粉)】加上真菌α-淀粉酶(500U ,条件为pH5.0,40℃下消化 Ceralpha 试剂),2mL,4℃下稳定性>5年。
    瓶子3:GOPOD 试剂缓冲液。磷酸钾缓冲液(1M,pH7.4),对羟苯甲酸(0.22M)和叠氮化钠(0.02% W/W)。4℃下稳定性> 3年。
    瓶子5:D-葡萄糖标准溶液(5 mL,1.0mg/mL)溶于苯甲酸0.2%(w/v)。室温下稳定性>5年。
    1、用50mlCon A试剂将瓶子1中药品溶解,分成适当的几部分存放在聚丙烯管中,尽可能在-20℃下使用或冷藏。-20℃下稳定性>2年。
    3、用蒸馏水将中的药品(GOPOD 试剂缓冲液)稀释至1L。现配现用。
    4、用20ml GOPOD 试剂缓冲液溶解GOPOD试剂酶,并定量的转移到存放GOPOD 试剂缓冲液的瓶子中,用铝箔封住瓶子,避光保存。这种试剂黑暗中保存,2-5℃下能保存大约3个月,-20℃下稳定性大于12个月。
    1、乙酸钠缓冲液(10mM,pH 4.5)
    2、ConA 浓缩液(600 mM, pH 6.4 乙酸钠缓冲液)
    称取49.2g无水醋酸钠,175.5g氯化钠,0.5gCaCl2.2H2O ,0.7 gMgCl2.6H2O 和0.7 g MnCl2.4H2O ,用900 mL 蒸馏水将其溶解逐滴加入冰醋酸调pH为6.4,再用蒸馏水定容至1L。4℃下保存2周。(注意:配制这种复合缓冲液时,pH的调节特别重要,如果pH低于6.4,就会有沉淀物形成,就算pH再调回来,沉淀物也不会溶解。结果会导致缓冲液必须丢弃重新配制。)
    3、ConA 溶液(使用浓度)
    将30ml ConA 浓缩液用蒸馏水稀释至100ml。现配现用。
    2、加1ml DMSO至试管,在漩涡混合器中慢速混匀,在沸水浴中加热直至分散(大约1分钟)确保淀粉没有结团结块。
    4、室温放置大约5min,加2ml 95%乙醇,混匀,再加4ml乙醇,盖上盖子,颠倒混匀。形成淀粉沉淀物,将试管静止15min(条件允许过夜静止)。
    6、加2ml DMSO到淀粉沉淀物中,将试管沸水浴15min(间或混匀),确保没有块状。
    7、从沸水浴中取出试管,立即加入4ml ConA 溶液,将试管中药品转移至25ml容量瓶中。用 ConA 溶液定容。
    B、支链淀粉- ConA 沉淀物和直链淀粉的测定
     1、量取1mlA试剂到2ml的试管中,加0.54ml的ConA 溶液,盖上盖子,反复颠倒,混匀。避免样品起泡。
    5、准确量取1ml上清液,加4ml GOPOD试剂,40摄氏度下反应20min,使空白试剂和D-葡萄糖标准液同时反应。
    1、将0.5mlA溶液和4ml100mM乙酸钠溶液混合,pH 4.5
    3、准确量取1ml上清液,加4ml GOPOD试剂,40摄氏度下反应20min。这个反应必须让样品和标准液按B部分同时进行。


    产品编号 产品名称 产品规格 产品等级 产品价格
    2133 方形广口瓶C型 1L
    2134 方形广口瓶C型 2L







    82×109×167H mm

    85×145×210H mm


    44φ mm

    44φ mm

    Q1: 请问本体、盖子和内盖是用什么材质制成,耐热温度分别是多少?

    A1: 本体、盖子和内盖都是由聚乙烯制成,耐热温度是80℃左右。


    产品编号 产品名称 产品规格 产品等级 产品价格















    D-乳酸[D-乳酸盐]检测试剂盒[快速] D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) Assay Kit 货号:K-DATE Megazyme中文站


    英文名:D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) Assay Kit


    规格:50 assays (manual) / 500 assays



    The D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) test kit is suitable for the rapid, specific measurement and analysis of D-lactic acid in wine, beer, juice, milk, cheese, vinegar, meat and other food products.
    Extended cofactors stability. Dissolved cofactors stable for > 1 year at 4oC.
    Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.

    UV-method for the determination of D-Lactic Acid in foodstuffs,
    beverages and other materials

    (D-lactate dehydrogenase)
    (1) D-Lactic acid + NAD+ ↔ pyruvate + NADH + H+

    (glutamate-pyruvate transaminase)
    (2) Pyruvate + D-glutamate → D-alanine + 2-oxoglutarate

    Kit size: 50 assays (manual) / 500 (microplate)
    / 450 (auto-analyser)
    Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
    Reaction time: ~ 5 min
    Detection limit: 0.21 mg/L
    Application examples:
    Wine, soft drinks, milk, dairy products (e.g. cream, milk / whey powder,
    cheese, condensed milk and yogurt), foods containing milk (e.g. dietetic
    foods, bakery products, baby food, chocolate, sweets and ice-cream),
    vinegar, fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, meat
    products, food additives, paper (and cardboard), cosmetics,
    pharmaceuticals and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.)
    Method recognition:
    Methods based on this principle have been accepted by DIN, GOST,


    • Very rapid reaction with most samples (~ 5 min)
    • Very competitive price (cost per test)
    • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
    • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
    • Standard included
    • Extended cofactors stability
    • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats

    Q1. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

    If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

    1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
    2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample,  in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme (cs@megazyme.com). Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
    3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
    4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
    5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
    6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

    Q2. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

    The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
    Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
    Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and   therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

    Q3. Can perchloric acid be used to deproteinise/clarify samples prior to analysis using the D-Lactic Acid Assay Kit (K-DATE)? If so, how should such an extraction be performed?

    Yes.  Perchloric acid extraction can be used in conjunction with this kit, and should be performed as follows:
    WARNING: If you have not worked with perchloric acid before, you must consult your safety officer for advice.  Also, depending on the nature of the samples, it may be possible to reduce the concentration of perchloric acid, to for example 0.3 M (i.e. in the case of plasma).  It is thus very important to determine if this is possible for each type of sample used, in order to reduce the risk from working with concentrated perchloric acid.

    Liquid samples:

    1. Carefully add an equal volume of ice cold 3 M perchloric acid and homogenise / fully disperse the sample (as appropriate).
    2. After 15 min incubation on ice (or in a refrigerator), centrifuge at 3000 x g for 15 min at 4°C.
    3. Neutralise by the slow addition of 2 M KOH.
    4. Incubate on ice (or in a refrigerator) until the potassium perchlorate has settled out by gravity (approximately 10 min), and then simply remove some of the clear supernatant and use directly in the assay.

    Solid samples:

    1. Accurately weigh approx. 5 g of homogenised sample into a beaker containing 20 mL of 1 M perchloric acid and very carefully homogenise with an Ultraturrax® (or equivalent) for 5 min.
    2. Carefully add approx. 40 mL of distilled water and neutralise using 2 M KOH (using pH test strips for example).  Quantitatively transfer the contents to a 100 mL volumetric flask and fill to the mark with distilled water. If a fat layer develops, make sure this is above the mark, and the aqueous layer is at the mark.Incubate in a refrigerator for approx. 20 min to allow separation of fat and precipitation of potassium perchlorate.
    3. Filter through Whatman No. 1 filter paper, discarding the first few mL of filtrate, and use directly in the assay.

    Q4. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?

    Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.

    Q5. Is the D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) Assay Kit (K-DATE) suitable for measurement using cell culture media samples?

    Yes, assuming that the concentration of the analyte in the sample (after sample preparation) is above the limit of detection for the kit.  It may be sufficient to use the sample directly in the assay after clarification by centrifugation/filtering followed, by dilution (if required) in distilled water. 

    Q6. Can you explain, step by step, how to follow the method and perform the kit assay?

    For users who are not familiar with how to use the Megazyme tests kits then it is recommended that they follow this example, e.g. D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay kit K-FRUGL (http://secure.megazyme.com/D-Fructose-D-Glucose-Assay-Kit):

    1. The kit components are listed on pages 2-3 of the kit booklet.
    2. Prepare the kit reagents as described on page 3.
    3. For separate measurements of glucose and fructose follow procedure A on page 4.
    4. Pipette the volumes listed for water, sample, solution 1 and solution 2 into 3 mL, 1 cm pathlength cuvettes. Duplicate sample assays and duplicate blanks are recommended. Mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion (seal the cuvette using parafilm or a plastic cuvette cap – do not use a finger) then after ~3 min record the first absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A1).
    5. Then add suspension 3 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then record the absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A2). NB. It is essential that the reaction is compete. To assess this, record the absorbances at ~ 2 minute intervals and until the absorbance plateaus. A stable absorbance indicates that the reaction is complete. If the absorbance continues to increase then continue to record absorbances until it plateaus and only then record absorbance reading A2.
    6. Then add suspension 4 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then take absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A3). NB. As above, assess that the reaction has completed by take subsequent readings at ~2 min intervals.
    7. For simple, automated results analysis, input the absorbance readings (A1, A2, A3) for samples and blanks into the K-FRUGL MegaCalc.

    To ensure that the assay is working, and being performed correctly it is recommend that the test is performed using the standard sample that is provided with the kit and to obtain the expected values before proceeding to test real samples.
    It is recommend that new users also watch this video which highlights how to perform the assays.
    Many of the other Megazyme test kits follow a similar format.

    Q7. The pH of my sample is low (pH ~ 3.0), do I need to adjust this before I use the sample in the kit assay?

    The final pH of the kit assay after the sample is added should not change from what it should be (as stated in the kit for the assay buffer). If it does change then the sample will require pH adjustment. In most cases the sample volume being used is low relative to the final assay volume and in this case the pH of the kit assay is unlikely to be affected.

    Q8. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

    Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
    Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

    Q9. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done9

    If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

    Q10. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?

    The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:http://www.megazyme.com/docs/analytical-applications-downloads/biological_samples_111109.pdf?sfvrsn=2

    The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.

    Q11. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

    The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

    There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

    1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
    2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
    3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

    Q12. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

    For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

    Q13. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

    The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

    Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.


    96高纯质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Plasmid Kit)

    上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供96高纯质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Plasmid Kit)

    SBO物料类别       目录号        物料描述                                                  规格          目录价
    96高通量(核酸纯化)   DP213-01   96 DNA 产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick N96 Purification Kit)        4板            1,480.00
    96高通量(核酸纯化)   DP213-02   96 DNA 产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick N96 Purification Kit)        24板           7,548.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP114-01   96高纯质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Plasmid Kit)              4板            1,680.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP114-02   96高纯质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Plasmid Kit)              24板           8,568.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP114-03   96高纯质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Plasmid Kit)              48板          14,568.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP115-01   96快速质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep Rapid N96 Plasmid Kit)        4板            1,280.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP115-02   96 快速质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep Rapid N96 Plasmid Kit)       24板           6,528.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP119      N96磁珠法质粒DNA小提试剂盒(TIANprep N96 Magnetic Plasmid Kit)   2 Plates        890.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP314-01   96血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(含K)(TIANamp N96 Blood DNA Kit)        4板            3,800.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP314-T    N96动物组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒                                    8板           52,640.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP337      N96新型植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(离心板型)(N96 DNAsecure Plant Kit)     2 Plates      1,900.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP338      N96植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(离心板型)(N96 Plant Genomic DNA Kit)     2 Plates      1,760.00
    96高通量(核酸提取)   DP434      N96病毒RNA提取试剂盒(离心板型)(TIANamp N96 Virus RNA Kit)        1板装           3,300.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP203-02   离心柱型超薄DNA产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick Mini Purification Kit)     50 次            240.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP204-01   离心柱型普通DNA产物纯化试剂盒(供VT401/402使用)(TIANquick Midi Purification Kit)
    20次                150.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP204-02   离心柱型普通DNA产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick Midi Purification Kit)     50 次            240.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP204-03   离心柱型普通DNA产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick Midi Purification Kit)     200 次           860.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP205-02   离心柱型大量DNA产物纯化试剂盒(TIANquick Maxi Purification Kit)     50 次            300.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP208-02   离心柱型 超薄 琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(TIANgel Mini Purification Kit) 50 次             270.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP209-02   离心柱型 普通 琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(TIANgel Midi Purification Kit) 50 次             270.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP209-03   离心柱型 普通 琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(TIANgel Midi Purification Kit) 200 次            980.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP210-02   离心柱型 大量 琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(TIANgel Maxi Purification Kit) 50 次             300.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP212-01   离心柱型寡核苷酸纯化试剂盒(TIANquick Oligo Purification Kit)       20 次            200.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP214-02   通用型DNA纯化回收试剂盒(Universal DNA Purification Kit)         50 次            380.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP214-03   通用型DNA纯化回收试剂盒(Universal DNA Purification Kit)         200 次         1,180.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      DP215-02   DNA重亚硫酸盐转化试剂盒(离心柱型)DNA Bisulfite Conversion Kit       50preps       1,980.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK106-01   结合液PB(Buffer PB)                                      30 ml            70.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK106-02   结合液PB(Buffer PB)                                      60 ml           130.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK106-03   结合液PB(Buffer PB)                                      120 ml          250.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK107      结合液PS(Buffer PS)                                      30 ml           100.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK108-02   溶胶液PN(Buffer PN)                                      100 ml          180.00
    DNA纯化试剂盒      RK110-01   溶液PC(Buffer PC)                                       25 ml           100.00
    SBO物料类别         目录号        物料描述                                                 规格       目录价
    DNA纯化试剂盒        RK110-02   溶液PC(Buffer PC)                                      100 ml      350.00
    dNTPs           CD111-35   Super Pure dUTP(100mM)                               500μ l      800.00
    Other Reagent   RK122-01   去蛋白液RD(Buffer RD)                                    12ml        100.00
    Other Reagent   RK124      RNase-Free 过滤柱CS(RNase-Free Filtration Columns CS)   个              3.00
    Other Reagent   RK124      RNase-free 过滤柱CS                                     1套          150.00
    Other Reagent   RK125-A    吸附柱CA1(Spin Columns CA1)                             个              3.00
    Other Reagent   RK125-A    吸附柱CA1                                               1套          150.00
    Other Reagent   RK126-A    吸附柱CA2(Spin Columns CA2)                             个              3.00
    Other Reagent   RK126-A    吸附柱CA2                                               1套          150.00
    Other Reagent   RK126-C    吸附柱CP2(Spin Columns CP2)                             个              4.00
    Other Reagent   RK126-C    吸附柱CP2                                               1套          200.00
    Other Reagent   RK127-A    吸附柱CA3(Spin Columns CA3)                             个              3.00
    Other Reagent   RK127-A    吸附柱CA3                                               1套          150.00
    Other Reagent   RK127-C    吸附柱CP3(Spin Columns CP3)                             个              4.00
    Other Reagent   RK127-C    吸附柱CP3                                               1套          200.00
    Other Reagent   RK128-C    吸附柱CP4(Spin Columns CP4)                             个              5.00
    Other Reagent   RK128-C    吸附柱CP4                                               1套          250.00
    Other Reagent   RK129-C    吸附柱CP5(Spin Columns CP5)                             1个           25.00
    Other Reagent   RK130      吸附柱CR1(RNase-Free Spin Columns CR1)                  个              5.00
    Other Reagent   RK130      吸附柱CR1                                               1套          250.00
    Other Reagent   RK130-C    吸附柱CP6(Spin Columns CB6)                             1个           25.00
    Other Reagent   RK131      RNase-Free 吸附柱CR2(RNase-Free Spin Columns CR2)       个              5.00
    Other Reagent   RK131      RNase-free 吸附柱CR2                                    1套          250.00
    Other Reagent   RK132      RNase-Free 吸附柱CR3(RNase-Free Spin Columns CR3)       个              5.00
    Other Reagent   RK132      RNase-free 吸附柱CR3                                    1套          250.00
    Other Reagent   RK135      过滤器CS(Filtration CS)                                 1支           20.00
    Other Reagent   RK137      吸附柱miRspin + 吸附柱miRelute                             50套/包     2,000.00
    Other Reagent   RK143      裂解液RL(Buffer RL)                                     30ml        280.00
    Other Reagent   RK155-01   缓冲液LP1(Buffer LP1)                                   25ml         60.00
    Other Reagent   RK155-02   缓冲液LP1(Buffer LP1)                                   100ml       200.00
    Other Reagent   RK156-01   缓冲液LP2(Buffer LP2)                                   10ml         30.00
    Other Reagent   RK156-02   缓冲液LP2(Buffer LP2)                                   40ml        100.00
    SBO物料类别         目录号        物料描述                                                       规格       目录价
    Other Reagent   RK158-01   缓冲液FP1(Buffer FP1)                                         25ml        60.00
    Other Reagent   RK158-02   缓冲液FP1(Buffer FP1)                                         100ml      200.00
    Other Reagent   RK159-01   缓冲液FP2(Buffer FP2)                                         10ml        30.00
    Other Reagent   RK159-02   缓冲液FP2(Buffer FP2)                                         40ml       100.00
    Other Reagent   RK162      去蛋白液MRD(Buffer MRD)                                        12ml       200.00
    Other Reagent   RK165      液化柱CX1(Liquefaction Columns CX1)                           50个/套      150.00
    Other Reagent   RK166      液化柱CX2(Liquefaction Columns CX2)                           10个/套       80.00
    Other Reagent   RK167      液化柱CX3(Liquefaction Columns CX3)                           10个/套      120.00
    Other Reagent   RT101      琼脂糖(Agarose(low EEO))                                      50 g       250.00
    Other Reagent   RT103      DTT 二硫苏糖醇 溶液(无菌)(DTT Solution(Sterile))                    5ml        108.00
    Other Reagent   RT108-01   IPTG 异丙基-β -D-硫代半乳糖苷 溶液(无菌)(IPTG(Sterile))                 5ml         80.00
    Other Reagent   RT119      X-Gal 溶液 (X-Gal Reagent 20mg/ml)                           5 ml       176.00
    Other Reagent   RT120-01   Deionized Water                                            100 ml      30.00
    Other Reagent   RT120-02   Deionized Water                                            500 ml      70.00
    Other Reagent   RT120-03   Deionized Water                                            5×1ml       15.00
    Other Reagent   RT121-01   DNase/RNase-Free Deionized Water                           5×5 ml      35.00
    Other Reagent   RT121-02   DNase/RNase-Free Deionized Water                           100 ml      90.00
    Other Reagent   RT122-01   红细胞裂解液( Red Cell Lysis Buffer)                             100 ml      50.00
    Other Reagent   RT122-02   红细胞裂解液( Red Cell Lysis Buffer)                             250 ml     100.00
    Other Reagent   RT124-02   加A反应液(Tailing-A Reaction Buffer)                           200ul       45.00
    Other Reagent   RT201-01   6×DNA Loading Buffer(Bromophenol bule)                     5 ml        35.00
    Other Reagent   RT201-02   6×DNA Loading Buffer(Bromophenol bule and Xylene cyanol)   5 ml        40.00
    Other Reagent   RT202      5×RNA Loading Buffer                                       5ml         50.00
    Other Reagent   RT203      Ethidium Bromide(EB)(10mg/ml)                              1 ml        30.00
    Other Reagent   RT204      50×TAE Buffer                                              50 ml       60.00
    Other Reagent   RT204      50×TAE Buffer                                              50ml        60.00
    Other Reagent   RT205      5×TBE Buffer                                               500 ml      98.00
    Other Reagent   RT205      5×TBE Buffer                                               500ml       98.00
    Other Reagent   RT209      2×蛋白质电泳Loading Buffer(2×Protein Loading Buffer)            5 ml        50.00
    Other Reagent   RT210      GeneGreen核酸染料(GeneGreen Nucleic Acid Dye)                  500µl      550.00
    Other Reagent   RT401      溶菌酶溶液(50mg/ml)(Lysozyme )                                  1 ml        30.00
    Other Reagent   RT403-01   Proteinase K (20mg/ml)                                     500 ul      60.00
    SBO物料类别         目录号        物料描述                                             规格          目录价
    Other Reagent   RT403-02   Proteinase K (20mg/ml)                           5 ml           500.00
    Other Reagent   RT405-01   RNaseA(10mg/ml)                                  200 ul          30.00
    Other Reagent   RT405-02   RNaseA(10mg/ml)                                  1 ml            80.00
    Other Reagent   RT405-12   RNaseA(100mg/ml)                                 500µl          400.00
    Other Reagent   RT406      T4 DNA Ligase (3U/μ l)                           60 U            80.00
    Other Reagent   RT410-02   Lyticase(10U/ul)                                 3000 U         240.00
    Other Reagent   RT411      RNase-Free DNase I                               50次            800.00
    Other Reagent   RT416-02   Carrier RNA                                      310ug          700.00
    Other Reagent   RT501      氨苄青霉素钠盐(100mg/ml)(Ampicillin Sodium(100mg/ml))   5 ml            48.00
    Other Reagent   RT502      氯霉素(34mg/ml)(Chloramphenicol(34mg/ml))           5ml             48.00
    Other Reagent   RT503      硫酸卡那霉素(10mg/ml)(Kanamycin Sulfate(10mg/ml))      5ml             25.00
    Other Reagent   RT504      四环素(5mg/ml)(Tetracycline(5mg/ml))                5 ml            25.00
    Other Reagent   WHC160     封口膜(Plate Cover)                                 10张/包           20.00
    Other Reagent   WP041      透气膜(Permeation)                                  100张/包         100.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP201-01   2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(含染料)                         1 ml           180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP201-02   2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(含染料)                         5× 1ml         850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP201-11   2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(不含染料)                        1 ml           180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP201-12   2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(不含染料)                        5× 1ml         850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP202-01   Fast HiFidelity PCR Kit                          50 rxns        300.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP202-02   Fast HiFidelity PCR Kit                          200 rxns     1,000.00
    PCR Mastermix   KP202-03   Fast HiFidelity PCR Kit                          1000 rxns    4,500.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT109      Taq酶(多重PCR扩增试剂)                                  50次          1,200.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT109-01   多重PCR扩增试剂盒(Multi PCR Kit)                        50次          1,200.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT109-02   多重PCR扩增试剂盒(Multi PCR Kit)                        100次         2,300.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT201-01   2 ×Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)                        1 ml           150.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT201-02   2 ×Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)                        5×1ml          600.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT201-11   2 ×Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料)                       1 ml           150.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT201-12   2 ×Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料)                       5×1ml          600.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT202-01   2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)                1 ml           270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT202-02   2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)                5× 1ml       1,250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT202-11   2×HotStart Taq PCR Master Mix(不含染料)              1 ml           270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT202-12   2×HotStart Taq PCR Master Mix(不含染料)              5×1ml        1,250.00
    SBO物料类别         目录号        物料描述                                  规格       目录价
    PCR Mastermix   KT203-01   2×Long Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)         1 ml        180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT203-02   2×Long Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料)         5× 1ml      850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT203-11   2×Long Taq PCR MasterMix(不含)          1 ml        180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT203-12   2×Long Taq PCR MasterMix(不含)          5× 1ml      850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT204-01   2×Taq Platinum PCR MasterMix(含染料)     1 ml        270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT204-02   2×Taq Platinum PCR MasterMix(含染料)     5× 1ml    1,250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT204-11   2×Taq Platinum PCR Master Mix(不含染料)   1 ml        270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT204-12   2×Taq Platinum PCR Master Mix(不含染料)   5× 1ml    1,250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT205-01   2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(含染料)         1 ml        180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT205-02   2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(含染料)         5× 1ml      850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT205-11   2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(不含)          1 ml        180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT205-12   2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(不含)          5× 1ml      850.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT206-01   2xGC-rich PCR marsterMix(含染料)         0.5ml       150.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT206-11   2xGC-rich PCR Marstermix(不含)          0.5ml       150.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT207-01   2 X PCR Reagent                       1ml         280.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT208-01   2×Hotmaster PCR MasterMix(含染料)        1 ml        270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT208-02   2×hotmaster PCR MasterMix(含染料)        5×1ml     1,250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT208-11   2×hotmaster PCR MasterMix(不含)         1ml         270.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT208-12   2×hotmaster PCR MasterMix(不含)         5×1ml     1,250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT221-01   Golden Easy PCR System (含染料)          5 ml        250.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT221-02   Golden Easy PCR System (含染料)          10 ml       400.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT501-01   Golden Fast PCR Kit                   1ml         180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT501-02   Golden Fast PCR Kit                   5ml         800.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT501-11   Golden Fast PCR Kit                   100 U       180.00
    PCR Mastermix   KT501-12   Golden Fast PCR Kit                   500 U       800.00
    PCR Reagent     CD102      T7 Primer(10uM)                       200 ul       30.00
    PCR Reagent     CD104      SP6 Primer (10μ M)                    200 ul       30.00
    PCR Reagent     CD105      Random Hexamers(10uM)                 200 ul       30.00
    PCR Reagent     CD106      Oligo (dT)15(10μ g)                   200 ul       30.00
    PCR Reagent     CD111-02   Super Pure dNTPs(2.5mM each)          1ml          80.00
    PCR Reagent     CD111-03   Super Pure dNTPs(2.5mM each)          5x1ml       360.00
    PCR Reagent     CD111-11   Super Pure dNTPs(10mM each)           0.5ml       160.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述                          规格      目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD111-12     Super Pure dNTPs(10mM each)   1ml        300.00
    PCR Reagent   CD111-13     Super Pure dNTPs(10mM each)   5x1ml    1,350.00
    PCR Reagent   CD111-31     Super Pure dATP(100mM each)   0.5ml      350.00
    PCR Reagent   CD111-32     Super Pure dGTP(100mM each)   0.5ml      350.00
    PCR Reagent   CD111-33     Super Pure dCTP(100mM each)   0.5ml      350.00
    PCR Reagent   CD111-34     Super Pure dTTP(100mM each)   0.5ml      350.00
    PCR Reagent   CD117-01     dNTPs(2.5mM each)             1 ml        50.00
    PCR Reagent   CD117-02     dNTPs(2.5mM each)             5×1ml      220.00
    PCR Reagent   CD117-11     dNTPs(10mM each)              1 ml       180.00
    PCR Reagent   CD117-12     dNTPs(10mM each)              5×1ml      800.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0001   5s                            1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0002   hsa-let-7e                    1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0003   hsa-miR-1                     1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0004   hsa-miR-100-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0005   hsa-miR-106a-5p               1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0006   hsa-miR-122-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0007   hsa-miR-124-3p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0008   hsa-miR-125a-5p               1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0009   hsa-miR-128                   1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0010   hsa-miR-139-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0011   hsa-miR-144-3p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0012   hsa-miR-145-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0013   hsa-miR-146a-5p               1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0014   hsa-miR-150-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0015   hsa-miR-153                   1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0016   hsa-miR-17-5p                 1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0017   hsa-miR-17-3p                 1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0018   hsa-miR-18a-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0019   hsa-miR-191-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0020   hsa-miR-194-5p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0021   hsa-miR-19a-3p                1OD        260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0022   hsa-miR-200a-3p               1OD        260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述              规格    目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0023   hsa-miR-200c-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0024   hsa-miR-205-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0025   hsa-miR-27a-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0026   hsa-miR-28-3p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0027   hsa-miR-29a-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0028   hsa-miR-29b-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0029   hsa-miR-301a-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0031   hsa-miR-301b      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0032   hsa-miR-30b-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0033   hsa-miR-31-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0034   hsa-miR-34a-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0035   hsa-miR-362-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0036   hsa-miR-377-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0038   hsa-miR-425-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0039   hsa-miR-559       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0040   hsa-miR-92a-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0041   hsa-miR-93-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0042   hsa-miR-96-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0043   hsa-miR-99b-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0044   hsa-miR-574-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0045   hsa-miR-297       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0046   hsa-miR-619       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0047   hsa-miR-125b-5p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0048   hsa-miR-105-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0049   hsa-miR-106a-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0050   hsa-miR-1207-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0051   hsa-miR-1208      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0052   hsa-miR-122-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0053   hsa-miR-1244      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0054   hsa-miR-1253      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0055   hsa-miR-1257      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0056   hsa-miR-1258      1OD     260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述                规格    目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0057   hsa-miR-125b-2-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0058   hsa-miR-126-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0059   hsa-miR-126-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0060   hsa-miR-132-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0061   hsa-miR-137         1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0062   hsa-miR-138-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0063   hsa-miR-140-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0064   hsa-miR-140-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0065   hsa-miR-142-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0066   hsa-miR-142-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0067   hsa-miR-143-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0068   hsa-miR-143-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0069   hsa-miR-146a-3p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0070   hsa-miR-146b-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0071   hsa-miR-149-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0072   hsa-miR-151a-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0073   hsa-miR-154-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0074   hsa-miR-155-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0075   hsa-miR-155-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0076   hsa-miR-17-5p       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0077   hsa-miR-182-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0078   hsa-miR-1825        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0079   hsa-miR-185-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0080   hsa-miR-186-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0081   hsa-miR-18a-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0082   hsa-miR-192-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0083   hsa-miR-195-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0084   hsa-miR-197-3p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0085   hsa-miR-198         1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0086   hsa-miR-19a-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0087   hsa-miR-204-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0088   hsa-miR-20a-5p      1OD     260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述              规格    目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0089   hsa-miR-20a-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0090   hsa-miR-20b       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0091   hsa-miR-20b-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0092   hsa-miR-21-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0093   hsa-miR-21-3p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0094   hsa-miR-211-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0095   hsa-miR-212-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0096   hsa-miR-217       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0097   hsa-miR-221-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0098   hsa-miR-222-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0099   hsa-miR-223-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0100   hsa-miR-28-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0101   hsa-miR-326       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0102   hsa-miR-340-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0103   hsa-miR-345-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0104   hsa-miR-361-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0105   hsa-miR-361-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0106   hsa-miR-363-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0107   hsa-miR-370       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0108   hsa-miR-371-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0109   hsa-miR-371-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0110   hsa-miR-372       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0111   hsa-miR-373-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0112   hsa-miR-374a-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0113   hsa-miR-374b-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0114   hsa-miR-378-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0115   hsa-miR-379-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0116   hsa-miR-380-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0117   hsa-miR-412       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0118   hsa-miR-422a      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0119   hsa-miR-424-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0120   hsa-miR-450b-3p   1OD     260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述              规格    目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0121   hsa-miR-450b-5p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0122   hsa-miR-451a      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0123   hsa-miR-488-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0124   hsa-miR-499-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0125   hsa-miR-585       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0126   hsa-miR-589-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0127   hsa-miR-595       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0128   hsa-miR-605       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0129   hsa-miR-609       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0130   hsa-miR-621       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0131   hsa-miR-623       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0132   hsa-miR-624-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0133   hsa-miR-626       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0134   hsa-miR-629-5p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0135   hsa-miR-629-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0136   hsa-miR-635       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0137   hsa-miR-646       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0138   hsa-miR-650       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0139   hsa-miR-655       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0140   hsa-miR-658       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0141   hsa-miR-7-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0142   hsa-miR-9-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0143   hsa-miR-95        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0144   hsa-miR-98        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0145   hsa-U6            1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0146   hsa-miR-101-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0147   hsa-miR-1178      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0148   hsa-miR-1179      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0149   hsa-miR-1183      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0150   hsa-miR-1204      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0151   hsa-miR-1205      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0152   hsa-miR-1224-5p   1OD     260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号          物料描述               规格    目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0153   hsa-miR-1226-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0154   hsa-miR-1227       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0155   hsa-miR-1236       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0156   hsa-miR-1250       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0157   hsa-miR-136-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0158   hsa-miR-144-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0159   hsa-miR-1468       1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0160   hsa-miR-146b-3p    1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0161   hsa-miR-151-3p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0162   hsa-miR-206        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0163   hsa-miR-215        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0164   hsa-miR-219-1-3p   1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0165   hsa-miR-32-5p      1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0166   hsa-miR-335-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0167   hsa-miR-337-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0168   hsa-miR-342-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0169   hsa-miR-346        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0170   hsa-miR-34b-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0171   hsa-miR-34c-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0172   hsa-miR-367-3p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0173   hsa-miR-375        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0174   hsa-miR-377-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0175   hsa-miR-379-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0176   hsa-miR-381        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0177   hsa-miR-382-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0178   hsa-miR-383        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0179   hsa-miR-384        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0180   hsa-miR-432-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0181   hsa-miR-483-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0182   hsa-miR-486-5p     1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0183   hsa-miR-606        1OD     260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0184   hsa-miR-610        1OD     260.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号           物料描述                                            规格             目录价
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0185    hsa-miR-622                                     1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0186    hsa-miR-634                                     1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD201-0187    hsa-miR-657                                     1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0001    mmu-miR-10a-5p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0002    mmu-miR-10                                      1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0003    mmu-miR-107-3p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0004    mmu-miR-10b-5p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0005    mmu-miR-129-3p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0006    mmu-miR-133a-3p                                 1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0007    mmu-miR-16-5p                                   1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0008    mmu-miR-194-5p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0009    mmu-miR-24-3p                                   1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0010    mmu-miR-29a-3p                                  1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   CD202-0011    mmu-miR-31-5p                                   1OD               260.00
    PCR Reagent   EM101-01      Methylation-specific PCR(MSP)Kit 甲基化特异性PCR试剂盒   400U              680.00
    PCR Reagent   EP101-01-01   Pfu DNA Polymerase                              250U(2.5u/ul含)    150.00
    PCR Reagent   EP101-02-01   Pfu DNA Polymerase                              500U (2.5U/ul含)   280.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-01-01   Taq DNA Polymerase                              250U(2.5U/ul含)     95.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-01-02   Taq DNA Polymerase                              250U(2.5U/ul分)     95.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-01-03   Taq DNA Polymerase                              250U(5U/ul含)       95.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-01-04   Taq DNA Polymerase                              250U(5U/ul分)       95.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-02-01   Taq DNA Polymerase                              500U(2.5U/ul含)    175.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-02-02   Taq DNA Polymerase                              500U(2.5U/ul分)    175.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-02-03   Taq DNA Polymerase                              500U(5U/ul含)      175.00
    PCR Reagent   ET101-02-04   Taq DNA Polymerase                              500U(5U/ul分)      175.00
    PCR Reagent   ET103-01-01   Long Taq DNA Polymerase                         250U(2.5U/ul含)    150.00
    PCR Reagent   ET103-02-01   Long Taq DNA Polymerase                         500U(2.5U/ul含)    280.00
    PCR Reagent   ET104-01-01   Taq Platinum DNA Polymerase                     250U(2.5U/ul含)    250.00
    PCR Reagent   ET104-02-01   Taq Platinum DNA Polymerase                     500U(2.5U/ul含)    460.00
    PCR Reagent   ET105-01-01   Taq Plus DNA Polymerase                         250U(2.5U/ul含)    120.00
    PCR Reagent   ET105-02-01   Taq Plus DNA Polymerase                         500U(2.5U/ul含)    220.00
    PCR Reagent   ET106-01-01   HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase                    250U(2.5U/ul含)    300.00
    SBO物料类别        目录号           物料描述                                                       规格           目录价
    PCR Reagent    ET106-02-01   HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase                               500U(2.5U/ul含)      580.00
    PCR Reagent    ET107-02-03   SuperPure Taq DNA Polymerase                               500U(5U/μ l含)       350.00
    PCR Reagent    ET107-02-04   SuperPure Taq DNA Polymerase                               500U(5U/μ l分)       350.00
    PCR Reagent    ET108-01      High Affinity HotStart Taq高亲和力抗体修饰的 Taq DNA 聚合酶            250U                450.00
    PCR Reagent    ET108-02      High Affinity HotStart Taq高亲和力抗体修饰的 Taq DNA 聚合酶            500U                830.00
    PCR Reagent    ET110         Taq II DNA Polymerase                                      250U                250.00
    PCR Reagent    KG203-02      TIANcombi DNA Lyse&Det PCR Kit 快速DNA提取检测试剂盒                50preps             600.00
    PCR Reagent    KG203-03      TIANcombi DNA Lyse&Det PCR Kit 快速DNA提取检测试剂盒                200preps          1,920.00
    PCR Reagent    KM101         快速定点突变试剂盒 (Fast Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit)             20rxn             1,300.00
    1800 μ l
    PCR Reagent    RP101         10×PCR Reaction Buffer I                                                        10.00
    1800 μ l
    PCR Reagent    RP101-04      10×PCR Reaction Buffer(Mg2+ Free)                                               10.00
    1800 μ l
    PCR Reagent    RP102-01      10×PCR Reaction Buffer II                                                       10.00
    PCR Reagent    RP102-02      10×Pfu Reation Buffer(Mg2+ Free)                           1800 ul              10.00
    1800 μ l
    PCR Reagent    RP107         25mM MgCl2                                                                      10.00
    PCR Reagent    RP202         PCR Enhancer                                               500ul                90.00
    Realtime PCR   ET108-T       2×High Affinity HotStart Taq MasterMix (probe qPCR used)   50ml              9,800.00
    Realtime PCR   FP202-01      RealMasterMix(2.5X)                                        50 次                500.00
    Realtime PCR   FP202-02      RealMasterMix(2.5X)                                        200 次             1,700.00
    Realtime PCR   FP203-01      荧光定量试剂盒RealMasterMix(Probe)                                50 次                500.00
    Realtime PCR   FP203-02      荧光定量试剂盒RealMasterMix(Probe)                                200 次             1,700.00
    Realtime PCR   FP204-01      SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂(SuperReal PreMix(SYBR Green))           50次                 580.00
    Realtime PCR   FP204-02      SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂(SuperReal PreMix(SYBR Green))           200次              1,980.00
    Realtime PCR   fp204-03      SuperReal PreMix(SYBR Green)                               2000次            16,800.00
    Realtime PCR   FP205-01      SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂 增强版(SYBR Green)(SuperReal PreMix Plus (SYBR rxns
    125 Green))          580.00
    Realtime PCR   FP205-02      SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂 增强版(SYBR Green)(SuperReal PreMix Plus (SYBR rxns
    500 Green))        1,980.00
    Realtime PCR   FP206-01      SuperReal PreMix(Probe) SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂(探针法)            125rxn              580.00
    Realtime PCR   FP206-02      SuperReal PreMix(Probe) SuperReal 荧光定量预混试剂(探针法)            500rxn            1,980.00
    Realtime PCR   FP207-01      FastFire qPCR PreMix (SYBR Green)FastFire快速荧光定量PCR预混试剂(SYBR Green)
    125rxn               580.00
    Realtime PCR   FP207-02      FastFire qPCR PreMix (SYBR Green)FastFire快速荧光定量PCR预混试剂(SYBR Green)
    500rxn             1,980.00
    Realtime PCR   FP207-03      FastFire qPCR PreMix (SYBR Green)FastFire快速荧光定量PCR预混试剂(SYBR Green)
    5000rxn           16,800.00
    Realtime PCR   FP208-01      FastFire qPCR PreMix(Probe)FastFire快速定量PCR试剂 (探针法)         125rxn              580.00
    Realtime PCR   FP208-02      FastFire qPCR PreMix(Probe)FastFire快速定量PCR试剂 (探针法)         500rxn            1,980.00
    SBO物料类别        目录号        物料描述                                                         规格          目录价
    Realtime PCR   FP210-01   HRM Analysis Kit (EvaGreen) HRM分析试剂盒 (EvaGreen)              125rxn         720.00
    Realtime PCR   FP210-02   HRM Analysis Kit (EvaGreen) HRM分析试剂盒 (EvaGreen)              500rxn       2,480.00
    Realtime PCR   FP211-01   TIANtough Genotyping qPCR PreMix(Probe) TIANtough基因分型PCR试剂 (探针法) rxn
    125           700.00
    Realtime PCR   FP211-02   TIANtough Genotyping qPCR PreMix(Probe) TIANtough基因分型PCR试剂 (探针法) rxn
    500         2,380.00
    Realtime PCR   FP302-01   Quant qRT-PCR (SYBR Green)Kit                                50次          1,280.00
    Realtime PCR   fp302-01   Quant qRT-PCR (SYBR Green)Kit                                50次          1,280.00
    Realtime PCR   FP302-02   Quant qRT-PCR (SYBR Green)Kit                                200次         3,680.00
    Realtime PCR   fp302-02   Quant qRT-PCR (SYBR Green)Kit                                200次         3,680.00
    Realtime PCR   FP303      Quant One Step qRT-PCR(SYRR Green I)Kit                      试用装            150.00
    Realtime PCR   FP303-01   Quant One Step qRT-PCR(SYRR Green I)Kit                      50次X50ul     1,500.00
    Realtime PCR   FP304      Quant One Step qRT-PCR(Probe)Kit                             试用装            150.00
    Realtime PCR   FP304-01   Quant One Step qRT-PCR(Probe)Kit                             50次          1,500.00
    Realtime PCR   FP304-02   Quant One Step qRT-PCR(Probe)Kit                             200次         4,980.00
    Realtime PCR   FP401      miRcute miRNA 荧光定量检测试剂盒(miRcute miRNA qPCR Detection Kit(SYBR Green) )
    50次              880.00
    RNA reagent    DP405-01   TRNzol Reagent                                               20 ml          180.00
    RNA reagent    DP405-01   TRNzol 总RNA提取试剂(TRNzol Reagent )                             20 ml          180.00
    RNA reagent    DP405-02   TRNzol Reagent                                               100 ml         600.00
    RNA reagent    DP405-02   TRNzol 总RNA提取试剂(TRNzol Reagent )                             100 ml         600.00
    RNA reagent    DP408-01   RNAstore Reagent                                             20 ml          120.00
    RNA reagent    DP408-01   RNAstore样本保存液(RNAstore Reagent )                             20ml           120.00
    RNA reagent    DP408-02   RNAstore Reagent                                             100 ml         480.00
    RNA reagent    DP408-02   RNAstore样本保存液(RNAstore Reagent )                             100ml          480.00
    RNA reagent    DP409      RNAsafe (RNase 抑制剂)20×(RNAsafe (RNase Inhibitor))            1 ml           190.00
    RNA reagent    DP418      Rnasin                                                       30ul/ 支        200.00
    RNA reagent    DP418      RNasin                                                       30ul/支         370.00
    RNA reagent    DP421      TRNzolA+ Reagent                                             100 ml         880.00
    RNA reagent    DP421      TRNzol-A+总RNA提取试剂(TRNzol-A+ Reagent )                        100ml          880.00
    RNA reagent    DP421-01   TRNzolA+ Reagent                                             20 ml          260.00
    RNA reagent    DP437-01   RNAplant Plus Reagent                                        16 ml          200.00
    RNA reagent    DP437-01   植物RNA提取试剂(RNAplant Plus Reagent )                            16ml           200.00
    RNA reagent    DP437-02   RNAplant Plus Reagent                                        80 ml          680.00
    RNA reagent    DP437-02   植物RNA提取试剂(RNAplant Plus Reagent )                            80ml           680.00
    SBO物料类别    目录号        物料描述                                                        规格       目录价
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP315-R    病毒RNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Virus RNA Kit )                          50次           960.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP412      RNA纯化试剂盒(RNAclean Kit)                                      20 次          360.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp419      RNAsimple总RNA提取试剂盒                                          50次           680.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp420      RNAprep Micro微量样品总RNA提取试剂盒                                  50次         1,580.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP422      DNA/RNA共提取试剂盒(DNA/RNA Isolation Kit)                        50次         1,400.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP423      DNA/RNA/蛋白质共提取试剂盒(DNA/RNA/Protein Isolation Kit)            50次         2,800.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp430      RNAprep pure培养细胞/细菌总RNA提取试剂盒                                50次         1,280.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp431      RNAprep pure动物组织总RNA提取试剂盒                                   50次         1,380.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp432      RNAprep pure植物总RNA提取试剂盒                                     50次         1,280.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp433      RNAprep pure血液样品总RNA提取试盒                                    50次         1,380.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp439      RNAprep pure FFPE Kit                                       50次         1,680.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP440-01   RNALock 血液RNA稳定剂(RNALock Reagent)                           20 ml         200.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP440-02   RNALock 血液RNA稳定剂(RNALock Reagent)                           100 ml        780.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP441      RNAprep Pure Plant Kit(Polysaccharides&Polyphenolics-rich)RNAprep Pure多糖多酚植物总RNA提取试剂盒(离心柱型)
    50次        1,480.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   DP442      RNAprep Pure mRNA Purification Kit RNAprep Pure mRNA纯化试剂盒(离心柱型)
    10次        1,380.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   dp501      miRcute miRNA 提取分离试剂盒                                       50次         2,380.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK118      裂解液RL/RV+/RV(Buffer RL/RV+/RV)                              30 ml         280.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK122-01   去蛋白液RD/MRD (Buffer RD/MRD)                                  12 ml         100.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK123      漂洗液RW(Buffer RW)                                            15 ml          30.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK138      裂解液Rlplus(Buffer RLplus)                                    30 ml         600.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK144      溶液RK(Buffer RK)                                             10 ml         120.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK145      裂解液RZ(与DP419配套用)(Buffer RZ)                                 60ml          420.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK146      去蛋白液RW1(Buffer RW1)                                         40 ml         200.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK148      缓冲液HL(Buffer HL)                                            30 ml         280.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK149      裂解液MZ(与DP501配套用)(Buffer MZ)                                 60ml          800.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RK163      裂解液SL(Buffer SL)                                            30 ml         380.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RT121      RNase-Free ddH2O                                            1 ml           10.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RT121-01   DNase/RNase-Free Deionized Water                            5 ml           15.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RT121-02   DNase/RNase-Free Deionized Water                            100 ml         90.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RT121-03   RNase-Free ddH2O                                            15 ml          20.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   RT121-04   RNase-Free ddH2O                                            40 ml          50.00
    RNA提取试剂盒   SD101      病毒检测用RNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp RNA Kit for Virus detection)          50次         1,680.00
    SBO物料类别              目录号        物料描述                                                          规格            目录价
    30 μ l
    RT-PCR               DP418      RNasin(40U/ul)                                                                 200.00
    RT-PCR               ER103-02   Quant Reverse Transcriptase                                   25次              850.00
    RT-PCR               ER103-03   Quant Reverse Transcriptase                                   50次            1,500.00
    RT-PCR               ER103-04   Quant Reverse Transcriptase                                   100次           2,800.00
    RT-PCR               ER104-03   TIANScript M-MLV                                              5000U            250.00
    RT-PCR               ER104-04   TIANScript M-MLV                                              20000U           850.00
    RT-PCR               KR103-03   Quant cDNA 第一链合成试剂盒(QuantScript RT Kit)                       25次            1,000.00
    RT-PCR               KR103-04   Quant cDNA 第一链合成试剂盒(QuantScript RT Kit)                       100次           3,000.00
    RT-PCR               KR104-01   TIANscript cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(TIANScript RT Kit)                    25次              400.00
    RT-PCR               KR104-02   TIANscript cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(TIANScript RT Kit)                    100次           1,380.00
    RT-PCR               KR105      FastLine Cell cDNA Kit FastLine细胞到cDNA快速制备试剂盒                 50次            2,680.00
    RT-PCR               KR106-01   FastQuant cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(去基因组)(FastQuant RT Kit(with gDNase))
    25rxns                660.00
    RT-PCR               KR106-02   FastQuant cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(去基因组)(FastQuant RT Kit(with gDNase))
    100rxns             1,980.00
    RT-PCR               KR107-01   TIANScriptⅡcDNA第一链合成试剂盒(TIANScriptⅡ RT Kit)                   25 rxn           500.00
    RT-PCR               KR107-02   TIANScriptⅡcDNA第一链合成试剂盒(TIANScriptⅡ RT Kit)                   100 rxn        1,680.00
    RT-PCR               KR113      Quant OneStep RT-PCR Kit-一步法试剂盒(Quant One Step RT-PCR Kit)    50次            1,400.00
    RT-PCR               KR201-01   miRcute miRNA cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(miRcute miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit)
    25次             2,280.00
    RT-PCR               KR201-02   miRcute miRNA cDNA第一链合成试剂盒(miRcute miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit)
    50次             4,180.00
    RT-PCR               SD102      病毒检测用一步法RT-PCR试剂盒(One-step RT-PCR Kit for Virus Detection) 50次               1,800.00
    RT-PCR               SD103      增强型 病毒检测用一步法RT-PCR试剂盒(Super Onestep RT-PCR Kit for Virus Detection)
    50次                   1,980.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD101-01   DNA Marker Ⅰ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD101-02   DNA Marker Ⅰ                                                  200 次            300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD102-01   DNA Marker Ⅱ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD102-02   DNA Marker Ⅱ                                                  200 次            300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD103-01   DNA Marker Ⅲ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD103-02   DNA Marker Ⅲ                                                  200 次            300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD104-01   DNA Marker Ⅳ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD104-02   DNA Marker Ⅳ                                                  200 次            300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD105-01   DNA Marker Ⅴ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD105-02   DNA Marker Ⅴ                                                  200 次            300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD107-01   DNA Marker Ⅶ                                                  50 次              90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD107-02   DNA Marker Ⅶ                                                  200 次            300.00
    SBO物料类别              目录号        物料描述                                                        规格           目录价
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD108-01   50 bp DNA Ladder                                            50 次           160.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD108-02   50 bp DNA Ladder                                            200 次          600.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD109-01   100 bp DNA Ladder                                           50 次           160.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD109-02   100 bp DNA Ladder                                           200 次          600.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD110-01   D15000                                                      50 次            90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD110-02   D15000                                                      200 次          300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD111-01   1 kb DNA Ladder                                             50 次            90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD111-02   1 kb DNA Ladder                                             200 次          300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD112-01   500 bp DNA Ladder                                           50 次            90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD112-02   500 bp DNA Ladder                                           200 次          300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD113-01   1 kb Plus DNA Ladder                                        50 次           160.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD113-02   1 kb Plus DNA Ladder                                        200次           600.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD114-01   D2000                                                       50 次            90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD114-02   D2000                                                       200 次          300.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD115-01   200bp DNA Ladder                                            50 次           160.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD115-02   200bp DNA Ladder                                            200 次          600.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD116-01   D15000+2000                                                 50 次           160.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD116-02   D15000+2000                                                 200 次          600.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD202-01       DNA/ HindⅢ                                              50次             90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD202-02       DNA/ HindⅢ                                              200次           320.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD203-01   pUC18 DNA/MspI                                              20次             90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD203-02   pUC18 DNA/MspI                                              100次           380.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD206-01   pBR322 DNA/MspI                                             20次             90.00
    TIANGEN DNA Marker   MD206-02   pBR322 DNA/MspI                                             100次           380.00
    200 μ l
    Vector (载体)          CD107      pZero Back/blunt Forward Sequencing Primer(10μ M)                           68.00
    200 μ l
    Vector (载体)          CD108      pZero Back/blunt Reverse Sequencing Primer(10μ M)                           68.00
    Vector (载体)          VI102-01   pGM-T重组菌落PCR鉴定试剂盒(PCR Identification Kit For Recombinant pGM-T Clone )
    50次            120.00
    Vector (载体)          VT202-01   pGM-T 连接试剂盒(pGM-T Cloning Kit)                              20 ul          390.00
    Vector (载体)          VT202-02   pGM-T 连接试剂盒(pGM-T Cloning Kit)                              60 ul          980.00
    Vector (载体)          VT204-01   零背景快速连接试剂盒(ZeroBack Fast Ligation Kit)                      20ul           900.00
    Vector (载体)          VT204-03   零背景快速连接试剂盒(ZeroBack Fast Ligation Kit)                      10ul           560.00
    Vector (载体)          vt302-01   pGM-T 产物克隆试剂盒                                               20ul           500.00
    SBO物料类别       目录号        物料描述                                                         规格              目录价
    Vector (载体)   vt302-02   pGM-T 产物克隆试剂盒                                                60ul              1,300.00
    Vector (载体)   vt402      pGM-T平末端加A克隆试剂盒                                              20ul                650.00
    蛋白产品          AB101-01   Anti-GST Antibody                                            20ul (1mg/ml)       320.00
    蛋白产品          AB101-02   Anti-GST Antibody                                            100ul(1mg/ml)     1,180.00
    蛋白产品          AB102-01   Anti-His Antibody                                            20ul(1mg/ml)        320.00
    蛋白产品          AB102-02   Anti-His Antibody                                            100ul             1,180.00
    蛋白产品          AB103-01   Anti-Myc Antibody                                            20ul(1mg/ml)        320.00
    蛋白产品          AB103-02   Anti-Myc Antibody                                            100μ l (1mg/ml)   1,180.00
    蛋白产品          AB104-01   Ani-HA Antibody                                              20ul(1mg/ml)        320.00
    蛋白产品          AB104-02   Anti-HA Antibody                                             100ul (1mg/ml)    1,180.00
    蛋白产品          AB105      Anti-GFP Antibody                                            5ul试用装               80.00
    蛋白产品          AB105-01   Anti-GFP Antibody                                            20ul (1mg/ml)       320.00
    蛋白产品          AB105-02   Anti-GFP Antibody                                            100ul (1mg/ml) 1,180.00
    蛋白产品          MP102      蛋白质分子量标准 14.4KDa – 94.0KDa( Molecular Weight Marker )        20 次                 90.00
    蛋白产品          MP203      预染蛋白质MarkerⅡ(蓝色)19 kDa – 117 kDa(Pre-stained Protein Marker Ⅱ (Bule))
    20 次                 260.00
    蛋白产品          MP204      蓝色预染蛋白质MarkerⅢ (蓝色)18 KDa - 94 Kda(Pre-stained Protein Marker 次 (Bule))
    20 Ⅲ                   180.00
    蛋白产品          MP205      双色预染蛋白质 Marker                                               20次                 220.00
    蛋白产品          MP206      宽范围彩色预染蛋白质Marker Pre-stained Multicolor Broad Range Protein 20次
    Marker 11KDa – 245KDa
    蛋白产品          PA101-01   考马斯亮蓝快速染色液(CBB Fast Staining Solution)                       100 ml               50.00
    蛋白产品          pa102      Bradford蛋白质定量试剂盒                                             100次                200.00
    蛋白产品          PA106-01   Western Blot 膜封闭液(WB Membrane Blocking Solution)             100 ml               60.00
    蛋白产品          PA107-01   可溶型单组分TMB底物溶液(Soluble TMB Substrate Solution)                100 ml              180.00
    蛋白产品          pa107-02   可溶型单组分TMB底物溶液                                                5*100ml             680.00
    蛋白产品          PA108-01   沉淀型单组分TMB底物溶液(Sedimentary TMB Substrate Solution)            100 ml              180.00
    蛋白产品          pa108-02   沉淀型单组分TMB底物溶液                                                5x100ml             680.00
    蛋白产品          PA109      HRP-DAB 底物显色试剂盒(HRP-DAB Chromogenic Substrate Kit)           60 ml               150.00
    蛋白产品          PA110      增强型HRP-DAB底物显色试剂盒(Enhanced HRP-DAB Chromogenic Substrate Kit ) ml
    60                    170.00
    蛋白产品          PA111      BCIP/NBT 底物显色试剂盒(BCIP/NBT Chromogenic Substrate Kit)         60 ml               180.00
    蛋白产品          PA112-01   Pro-Light HRP化学发光检测试剂(Pro-light HRP Chemiluminescent Kit )   25 ml               280.00
    蛋白产品          PA112-02   Pro-Light HRP化学发光检测试剂(Pro-light HRP Chemiluminescent Kit )   50 ml               520.00
    蛋白产品          PA114      Western Blot蛋白印迹膜再生液(Western Blot Stripping Buffer)          100ml               150.00
    蛋白产品          pa115-01   BCA蛋白质定量试剂盒                                                  50/500次             380.00
    SBO物料类别   目录号        物料描述                             规格           目录价
    蛋白产品      pa115-02   BCA蛋白质定量试剂盒                      250/2500次     1,000.00
    蛋白产品      SA101-01   羊抗鼠 lgG-HRP                      0.1 ml           45.00
    蛋白产品      SA101-02   羊抗鼠 lgG-HRP                      0.5ml           180.00
    感受态细胞     CB101-01   DH5α                             10×100ul        160.00
    感受态细胞     CB101-02   DH5α                             20 × 100ul      290.00
    感受态细胞     CB101-03   DH5α                             5×100ul          90.00
    感受态细胞     CB104-01   TOP10                            10×100ul        160.00
    感受态细胞     CB104-02   TOP10                            20 ×100ul       290.00
    感受态细胞     CB104-03   TOP10                            5× 100ul         90.00
    感受态细胞     CB105-01   BL21(DE3)                        5x100ul         200.00
    感受态细胞     CB105-02   BL21(DE3)                        10×100ul        280.00
    感受态细胞     CB106-01   BL21(DE3)Plyss                   5x100ul         200.00
    感受态细胞     CB106-02   BL21(DE3)Plyss                   10x100ul        280.00
    感受态细胞     CB107      FDM感受态细胞 (FDM competent cells)   10×50µl          90.00
    库存商品      HC101      10ul Tip(袋装,无色)                  1000支/包          25.00
    库存商品      HC104      200ul Tip(袋装,黄色)                 1000个/包          25.00
    库存商品      HC107      1000ul Tip(袋装,蓝色)                500个/包           25.00
    库存商品      HC110      5000ul Tip(袋装,无色)                100个/包           30.00
    库存商品      HC111      0.2ml薄壁离心管(袋装,无色)                1000个/包          45.00
    库存商品      HC112      96孔薄壁管板                          0                  8.00
    库存商品      HC116      1.5ml离心管(袋装,无色)                  500个/包           25.00
    库存商品      HC118      2ml冻存管(袋装,无色,螺口,可立)              200支/包           60.00
    库存商品      HC119      5ml冻存管(袋装,无色,螺口,可立,带刻度)          200支/包          100.00
    库存商品      HC120      15ml离心管(袋装,无色,尖底,螺口,带刻度)         50支/包            80.00
    库存商品      HC121      50ml离心管(袋装,无色,低速尖底螺口,带刻度)        50支/包            90.00
    库存商品      HC122      10ul Tip盒(96孔,方形)                0                  8.00
    库存商品      HC123      200ul Tip盒(96孔,方形)               0                  8.00
    库存商品      HC124      1000ul Tip盒(60孔,方形)              0                  8.00
    库存商品      HC125      1.5ml离心管盒(72孔,方形)                0                  8.00
    库存商品      HC131      双面离心管架(长方形)                      0                18.00
    库存商品      WL046      研磨杵                              50支/包           100.00
    库存商品      WL239-A    一次性针头滤器(millipore)               0                15.00
    SBO物料类别          目录号               物料描述                                          规格       目录价
    库存商品             WP027-02          96孔深孔板(2.2mlU型底)                              0             25.00
    库存商品             WQ001             1.5ml本色螺口冻存管(进口)(不含盖)                         500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ001-02          15ml螺口冻存管(进口)                                 50个/包        350.00
    库存商品             WQ001-03          50ml螺口冻存管(进口)                                 50个/包        400.00
    库存商品             WQ001-04          5ml螺口冻存管(进口)                                  100个/包       300.00
    库存商品             WQ002-1           蓝色螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ002-2           红色螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ002-3           绿色螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ002-4           白色螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ002-5           透明螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ002-6           黄色螺口盖(进口)                                     500个/包       400.00
    库存商品             WQ028-01          0.5ml棕色可立螺口冻存管(进口、含盖)                         500个/包       700.00
    库存商品             WQ028-02          2ml棕色可立螺口冻存管(进口、含盖)                           500个/包       700.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302800       Phase Lock Gel Light 1.5ml                    200次       1,070.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302810       Phase Lock Gel Heavy 1.5ml                    200个       1,070.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302820       Phase Lock Gel Light 2ml                      200次       1,070.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302830       Phase Lock Gel Heavy 2ml                      200次       1,070.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302830-T     Phase lock Gel heavy 2ml                      5个/包          50.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302831       Phase Lock Gel Heavy 2ml                      100个         623.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302840       Phase Lock Gel Light 15ml                     100次         890.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302850       Phase Lock Gel Heavy 15ml                     100次         890.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302860       Phase Lock Gel Light 50ml                     25次          720.00
    库存商品(5prime)     WM5-2302870       Phase Lock Gel Heavy 50ml                     25次          720.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-17-100-102    WorkBeads 17 Q                                4.3ml     17,469.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-17-200-102    WorkBeads 17 S                                4.3ml     17,469.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-17-300-101    WorkBeads 17 SEC                              15ml      11,454.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-17-300-102    WorkBeads 17 SEC                              25ml      13,431.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-17-350-102    WorkBeads 17/100 SEC,25ml pre-packed column   25ml      13,431.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-001    WorkBeads 40 Q                                25ml         948.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-001S   WorkBeads 40 Q                                25ML         920.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-002    WorkBeads 40 Q                                200ml      2,966.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-010    WorkBeads 40 Q                                1L         9,806.00
    SBO物料类别          目录号                物料描述                       规格      目录价
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-102     WorkBeads 40 Q             4.3ml     6,584.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-100-102S    WorkBeads 40 Q             4.3ML     6,392.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-150-001     WorksBeads 40 DEAE         25ml        808.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-150-001S    WorkBeads 40 DEAE          25ML        784.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-001     WorkBeads 40 S             25ml        948.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-001S    WorkBeads 40 S             25ML        920.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-002     WorkBeads 40 S             200ml     2,966.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-010     WorkBeads 40 S             1L        9,806.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-102     WorkBeads 40 S             4.3ml     6,584.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-200-102S    WorkBeads 40 S             4.3ML     6,392.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-001     WorkBeads 40 SEC           25ml        808.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-001S    WorkBeads 40 SEC           25ML        808.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-003     WorkBeads 40 SEC           300ml     5,315.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-010     WorkBeads 40 SEC           1L        8,734.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-100     WorkBeads 40 SEC           15ml      8,397.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-300-100S    WorkBeads 40 SEC           15ML      8,152.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-340-001S    WorkBeads 40/100 SEC       25ML        920.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-000     WorkBeads 40 ACT           10ml        880.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-001     WorkBeads 40 ACT           50ml      3,362.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-001S1   WorkBeads 40 ACT           10ml      1,520.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-001S5   WorkBeads 40 ACT           5ml         760.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-003     WorkBeads 40 ACT           300ml    12,772.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-00X     WorkBeads 40 ACT           5ml         760.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-400-010     WorkBeads 40 ACT           1L       20,188.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-450-001     WorksBeads 40/10 000 ACT   50ml      3,898.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-000     WorkBeads 40 IDA high      10 ml       750.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-001     WorkBeads 40 IDA high      25ml      1,747.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-001S    WorkBeads 40 IDA high      25ML        680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-003     WorkBeads 40 IDA high      150ml     6,716.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-00X     WorkBeads 40 IDA high      5ml         680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-601-010     WorkBeads 40 IDA high      1L       20,188.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-602-001     WorkBeads 40 IDA low       25ml      1,747.00
    SBO物料类别          目录号                物料描述                          规格       目录价
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-602-003     WorkBeads 40 IDA low          150ml          6,716.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-602-00X     WorkBeads 40 IDA low          5ml              680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-602-010     WorkBeads 40 IDA low          1L          20,188.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-603-001     WorkBeads 40 TREN high        25ml           1,747.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-603-001S5   WorkBeads 40 TREN high        5ml              680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-603-003     WorkBeads 40 TREN high        150ml          6,716.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-603-00X     WorkBeads 40 TREN high        5ml              680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-603-010     WorkBeads 40 TREN high        1L          20,188.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-604-001     WorkBeads 40 TREN low         25ml           1,747.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-604-003     WorkBeads 40 TREN low         150ml          6,716.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-604-00X     WorkBeads 40 TREN low         5ml              680.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-604-010     WorkBeads 40 TREN low         1L          20,188.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-650-000     WorkBeads™ 40 Ni Bulk Media   10 ml            880.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-650-000-S   Workbeads 40Ni Bulk Media     2 ml             150.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-650-001     WorkBeads™ 40 Ni Bulk Media   25 ml          1,960.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-650-003     WorkBeads™ 40 Ni Bulk Media   150 ml      10,600.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-40-650-010     WorkBeads™ 40 Ni Bulk Media   1L          53,520.00
    库存商品(Bioworks)   WM6-50-300-000     WorkBeads 500 SEC             100ml            775.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-EDX-PCR        Premium Expression Kit, PCR   0              7,460.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-EDX-PLUS       Premium PLUS Expression Kit   0              8,600.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-EDX-PLUS-S     Premium PLUS Expression Kit   8次             8,600.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-EDX-S          Premium Expression Kit        0              6,600.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-1240       WEPRO1240 expression kit      0           32,250.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-1240G      WEPRO1240G expression kit     0           36,650.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-1240H      WEPRO1240H expression kit     0           36,650.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-7240       WEPRO7240 expression kit      0           42,400.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-7240G      WEPRO7240G expression kit     0           47,050.00
    库存商品(CFS)        WM7-TRI-7240H      WEPRO7240H expression kit     0           47,050.00
    库存商品(硅化)         W10-0010-1         10ul Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)             1000个/包,20包/箱     80.00
    库存商品(硅化)         W10-0200-1         200ul Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)            1000个/包,20包/箱     80.00
    库存商品(硅化)         W10-1000-1         1000ul Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)           500个/包,20包/箱      62.00
    库存商品(硅化)         W11-0010-1         10ul 盒装Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)           96个/盒, 50盒/箱      24.00
    SBO物料类别      目录号               物料描述                                             规格          目录价
    库存商品(硅化)     W11-0200-1        200ul 盒装Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)                             96个/盒,50盒/箱       24.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W11-1000-1        1000 Tip(硅化 不带滤芯)                                100个/盒, 10 盒/箱 29.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W12-0010-1        10ul 盒装Tip(硅化 带滤芯)                               96个/盒, 50 盒/箱     58.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W12-0200-1        200ul 盒装Tip(硅化 带滤芯)                              96个/盒,50盒/箱       58.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W12-1000-1        1000ul盒装 Tip(硅化 带滤芯)                             100个/盒,10   盒/箱 62.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W20-0500-1        0.5ml硅化离心管                                       1000个/盒,10盒/箱 138.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W20-1500-1        1.5ml硅化离心管                                       500个/盒,10盒/箱      90.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W21-0200-1        0.2ml离心管(硅化)                                     1000个/盒,10盒/箱 196.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W21-0200-8RT(A)   0.2mlPCR八联管(含平盖)                                 125条/盒,10盒/箱     980.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W21-0200-8RT(B)   0.2mlPCR八联管(含凸盖)                                 125条/盒,10盒/箱     980.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W21-0500-1        0.5ml离心管(硅化)                                     1000个/盒,10盒/箱 180.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W24-1500-1        15ml离心管(硅化)                                      50个/包, 10包/箱     130.00
    库存商品(硅化)     W24-5000-1        50ml离心管(硅化)                                      25个/包, 20 包/箱     75.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJB0101           0.2ml薄壁管(硅化)                                     1000个/盒,20盒/箱     70.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJB0102           0.2ml PCR八联管(硅化)                                 1000个/盒,20盒/箱 580.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJL0101           0.5ml离心管(硅化)                                     1000个/盒,20盒/箱     60.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJL0201           1.5ml离心管(硅化)                                     500个/盒,20盒/箱      60.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0101           10ul Tip(硅化 带滤芯 袋装)                              1000个/包,25包/箱 350.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0102           10ul Tip(硅化 袋装)                                  1000个/包,25包/箱     35.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0201           200ul Tip(硅化 带滤芯 袋装)                             1000个/包,15包/箱 350.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0202           200ul Tip(硅化 袋装优化品)                              1000个/包,15包/箱     35.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0301           1000ul Tip(硅化 带滤芯 袋装)                            500个/包,10包/箱     300.00
    库存商品(硅化)     WJX0302           1000ul Tip(硅化 袋装)                                500个/包,10包/箱      33.00
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-01-C        30ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                  0                  5.00
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-03-C        15ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                  0                  4.00
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-04-C        60ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                  0                  6.00
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-05-C        125ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                 0                  8.50
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-06-C        250ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                 0                 12.00
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-07-C        500ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                 0                 18.50
    库存商品(进口瓶子)   WQ003-08-C        1000ml塑料瓶(进口)(含盖)                                0                 25.00
    其他基因组        DP302-02          细菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒(含K)(TIANamp Bacteria DNA Kit)      50 次             420.00
    其他基因组        DP302T            大量细菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Maxi Bacteria DNA Kit)   10次            3,000.00
    SBO物料类别   目录号        物料描述                                                      规格       目录价
    其他基因组     DP307-02   酵母基因组DNA提取试剂盒(含K)(TIANamp Yeast DNA Kit)                  50 次        480.00
    其他基因组     DP323-02   动物源性植物饲料DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Feedstuff Animal DNA Kit )       50次         480.00
    其他基因组     DP323-03   动物源性植物饲料DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Feedstuff Animal DNA Kit )       200次      1,660.00
    其他基因组     DP324-02   海洋动物组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Marine Animals DNA Kit )        50次         420.00
    其他基因组     DP324-03   海洋动物组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Marine Animals DNA Kit )        200次      1,500.00
    其他基因组     DP326      深加工食品DNA提取试剂盒(GMO Food DNA Extraction Kit )               100次      1,200.00
    其他基因组     DP328-02   粪便基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Stool DNA Kit)                      50次         980.00
    其他基因组     DP336-02   土壤基因组DNA提取试剂盒 TIANamp Soil DNA Kit                        50次       1,080.00
    其他基因组     KG201      快速DNA提取扩增试剂盒(TIANcombi DNA Lyse&Amp PCR Kit)              试用装          60.00
    其他基因组     KG201-02   快速DNA提取扩增试剂盒(TIANcombi DNA Lyse&Amp PCR Kit)              50次         600.00
    其他基因组     KG201-03   快速DNA提取扩增试剂盒(TIANcombi DNA Lyse&Amp PCR Kit)              200次      1,920.00
    其他基因组     MG101-01   磁珠G(MagAttract Suspension G)                              1 ml        500.00
    其他基因组     RK114-01   缓冲液GA(Buffer GA)                                          15 ml        30.00
    其他基因组     RK114-02   缓冲液GA(Buffer GA)                                          50 ml        80.00
    其他基因组     RK115-01   缓冲液GB(Buffer GB)                                          15 ml        30.00
    其他基因组     RK115-02   缓冲液GB(Buffer GB)                                          50 ml        80.00
    其他基因组     RK118-01   缓冲液GD(Buffer GD)                                          13 ml        60.00
    其他基因组     RK118-02   缓冲液GD(Buffer GD)                                          52 ml       180.00
    其他基因组     RK121-01   洗脱缓冲液TE(Buffer TE)                                        15 ml        25.00
    其他基因组     RK121-03   洗脱缓冲液TE(Buffer TE)                                        60 ml        70.00
    其他基因组     RK152-01   缓冲液GS(Buffer GS)                                          15 ml        30.00
    其他基因组     RK152-02   缓冲液GS(Buffer GS)                                          50 ml        80.00
    其他基因组     RK168      裂解液RF(Buffer RF)                                          12 ml       280.00
    其他基因组     RT403-01   蛋白酶K(Proteinase K)                                        500 ul       60.00
    医疗基因组     DP304-02   血液/细胞/组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒(含K)(TIANamp Genomic DNA Kit)          50 次        420.00
    医疗基因组     DP304-03   血液/细胞/组织基因组DNA提取试剂盒(含K)(TIANamp Genomic DNA Kit)          200 次     1,500.00
    医疗基因组     DP315      病毒基因组DNA/RNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Virus DNA/RNA Kit)              50 次        960.00
    医疗基因组     DP316      微量样品基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Micro DNA Kit)                    50 次      1,080.00
    医疗基因组     DP318-02   血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(0.1ml-1ml)(TIANamp Blood DNA Kit(0.1ml-1ml)) 50 次       420.00
    医疗基因组     DP318-03   血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(0.1ml-1ml)(TIANamp Blood DNA Kit(0.1ml-1ml)) 200 次    1,500.00
    医疗基因组     DP319-01   血液基因组DNA提取系统(0.1-20ml)(RelaxGene Blood DNA System(0.1-20ml)) ml
    50          380.00
    医疗基因组     DP319-02   血液基因组DNA提取系统(0.1-20ml)(RelaxGene Blood DNA System(0.1-20ml)) ml
    200       1,280.00
    SBO物料类别    目录号          物料描述                                                   规格      目录价
    医疗基因组      DP322-02     口腔拭子基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Swab DNA Kit)                 50次          480.00
    医疗基因组      DP322-03     口腔拭子基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Swab DNA Kit)                 200次       1,820.00
    医疗基因组      DP329-01     磁珠法基因组DNA提取试剂盒(Magnetic Genomic DNA Kit )             96次        1,080.00
    医疗基因组      DP330-02     石蜡包埋组织DNA快速提取试剂盒(TIANquick FFPE DNA Kit)              50次          980.00
    医疗基因组      DP331-02     石蜡包埋组织DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp FFPE DNA Kit)                  50次          680.00
    医疗基因组      DP332-01     中量血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(离心柱型)(TIANamp Blood DNA Midi Kit)     10次          320.00
    医疗基因组      DP333-01     大量血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒(离心柱型)(TIANamp Blood DNA Maxi Kit)     10次          820.00
    医疗基因组      DP334        干血斑基因组DNA提取试剂盒(TIANamp Blood Spots DNA Kit)           200次       1,820.00
    医疗基因组      DP335-02     0.1-1ml血凝块基因组DNA提取试剂盒(离心柱型)(TIANamp Blood Clot DNA Kit)
    50次/盒        520.00
    医疗基因组      DP339        血清/血浆游离DNA提取试剂盒(离心柱型)(Serum / Plasma Circulating DNA Kit)        1,080.00
    医疗基因组      DP438        磁珠法病毒DNA/RNA提取试剂盒(Magnetic Viral DNA/RNA Kit)         96次        2,980.00
    医疗基因组      RK151-01     细胞裂解液CL(Buffer CL)                                    60 ml         50.00
    医疗基因组      RK151-02     细胞裂解液CL(Buffer CL)                                    250 ml       120.00
    医疗基因组      RK153-01     洗脱缓冲液TB(Buffer TB)                                    15 ml         20.00
    医疗基因组      RK153-02     洗脱缓冲液TB(Buffer TB)                                    60 ml         50.00
    医疗基因组      RK154-01     缓冲液FG(Buffer FG)                                      30 ml        260.00
    医疗基因组      RK154-02     缓冲液FG(Buffer FG)                                      120 ml       880.00
    仪器(TGem)   OSE-260      分光光度计                                                 0         58,000.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-100C     升降温型金属浴(0-100℃)                                       0          7,180.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-470      切胶仪                                                   0          5,800.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-96       金属冰浴                                                  0          4,180.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-B1       研磨器电池                                                 0            110.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-B2       研磨器充电器                                                0             60.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-B2       研磨器充电器                                                个             60.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-H        加热型金属浴(室温2-100℃)                                      0          3,480.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-H15      15mL 铝块 FBLOCK-15                                     0            620.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-H50      50mL 铝块 FBLOCK-50                                     0            620.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-JSC      金属研磨杵                                                 0             58.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-MC8      TGear微型离心机                                            0          1,680.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-MP25PS   TGear Plate微孔板离心机套装                                   0          4,880.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-P96      96孔平板铝块 FBLOCK-96                                     0            930.00
    仪器(小仪器)    OSE-PRO      程控金属浴(时间控制,0-100℃)                                    0          7,980.00
    SBO物料类别      目录号          物料描述                                                    规格           目录价
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-PROIII   三段程控金属浴(时间控制,0-100度)H2O3-PRO III                        0                9,580.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Q0.2     0.2mL 铝块 QBLOCK-0.2                                     0                  260.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Q0.5     0.5mL 铝块 QBLOCK-0.5                                     0                  260.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Q1.5     1.5mL 铝块 QBLOCK-1.5                                     0                  260.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Q2.0     2.0mL 铝块 QBLOCK-2.0                                     0                  260.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Y10      电动组织研磨器(高转速)                                            套                1,790.00
    仪器(小仪器)      OSE-Y20      电动组织研磨器(低转速)                                            套                1,790.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-BR       ESEQuant Barcode 2D                                     0                3,800.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-DK-FL    ESEQuant Development Kit FL                             0               68,000.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-DK-GD    ESEQuant Development Kit Gold                           0               63,000.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-EPJ      ESE配件                                                   0               10,000.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-FL       ESEQuant LFR FL                                         0               25,000.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-GD       ESEQuant LFR Gold                                       0               20,000.00
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-ID       FluoSens Integrated Detector                            0               18,532.80
    仪器(小仪器ESE)   OSE-TS       TubeScanner                                             0               58,000.00
    植物基因组        DP305-02     植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(Plant Genomic DNA Kit)                    50 次               420.00
    植物基因组        DP305-03     植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(Plant Genomic DNA Kit)                    200 次            1,500.00
    植物基因组        DP320-02     DNAsecure新型植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(DNAsecure Plant Kit)           50 次               520.00
    植物基因组        DP320-03     DNAsecure新型植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒(DNAsecure Plant Kit)           200 次            1,680.00
    植物基因组        DP321-02     快捷型植物基因组DNA提取系统(DNAquick Plant System)                  50 次               280.00
    植物基因组        DP321-03     快捷型植物基因组DNA提取系统(DNAquick Plant System)                  200 次              880.00
    植物基因组        kg202        GMO作物提取检测试剂盒                                            200次             1,280.00
    植物基因组        KG202-A      GMO作物提取检测试剂盒(A部分)(GMO Crop Extraction & Amplification Kit(Part A))
    200次               580.00
    植物基因组        KG202-B      GMO作物提取检测试剂盒(B部分)(GMO Crop Extraction & Amplification Kit(Part B))
    400U(2.5U/ul)      980.00
    植物基因组        RK116-01     缓冲液GP1(Buffer GP1)                                      40 ml               40.00
    植物基因组        RK116-02     缓冲液GP1(Buffer GP1)                                      160 ml             120.00
    植物基因组        RK117-01     缓冲液GP2(Buffer GP2)                                      40 ml               40.00
    植物基因组        RK117-02     缓冲液GP2(Buffer GP2)                                      160 ml             120.00
    植物基因组        RK155-01     缓冲液LP1/FP1 (Buffer LP1/FP1)                             25 ml               60.00
    植物基因组        RK155-02     缓冲液LP1/FP1 (Buffer LP1/FP1)                             100 ml             200.00
    植物基因组        RK156-01     缓冲液LP2/FP2 (Buffer LP2/FP2)                             10 ml               30.00
    植物基因组        RK156-02     缓冲液LP2/FP2(Buffer LP2/FP2)                              40 ml              100.00
    SBO物料类别   目录号        物料描述                                               规格       目录价
    植物基因组     RK157-01   缓冲液LP3(Buffer LP3)                                 21 ml       60.00
    植物基因组     RK157-02   缓冲液LP3(Buffer LP3)                                 84 ml      200.00
    植物基因组     RK160      缓冲液GMO1(Buffer GMO1)                               50 ml      700.00
    植物基因组     RK161      缓冲液GMO2(Buffer GMO2)                               20 ml      300.00
    质粒大提      DP116      高纯度质粒大提试剂盒(非离心柱型)(HighPure Maxi Plasmid Kit)       10次        680.00
    质粒大提      DP117      无内毒素质粒大提试剂盒(离心柱型)(EndoFree Maxi Plasmid Kit)       10 次       980.00
    质粒大提      RK109-03   溶液P4(Buffer P4)                                    100 ml     480.00
    质粒大提      RK147      TIANRed                                            500 ul      30.00
    质粒小提      DP103-02   离心柱型 质粒小提试剂盒(TIANprep Mini Plasmid Kit)            50次        190.00
    质粒小提      DP103-03   离心柱型 质粒小提试剂盒(TIANprep Mini Plasmid Kit)            200 次      680.00
    质粒小提      DP104-02   离心柱型 高纯度质粒小提试剂盒(TIANpure Mini Plasmid Kit)         50 次       300.00
    质粒小提      DP105-02   快速质粒小提试剂盒(离心柱型)(TIANprep Rapid Mini Plasmid Kit)   50次        190.00
    质粒小提      DP105-03   快速质粒小提试剂盒(离心柱型)(TIANprep Rapid Mini Plasmid Kit)   200次       680.00
    质粒小提      DP106-02   离心柱型 质粒小提中量试剂盒(TIANprep Midi Plasmid Kit)          50 次       300.00
    质粒小提      DP107-02   离心柱型 高纯度质粒小提中量试剂盒(TIANpure Midi Plasmid Kit)       50 次       360.00
    质粒小提      DP112-02   离心柱型 酵母质粒提取试剂盒(TIANprep Yeast Plasmid DNA Kit)     50 次       300.00
    质粒小提      DP118-02   无内毒素质粒小提中量试剂盒(离心柱型)(EndoFree Midi Plasmid Kit)     50次        580.00
    质粒小提      RK101-01   溶液P1(Buffer P1)                                    15 ml       20.00
    质粒小提      RK101-02   溶液P1(Buffer P1)                                    60 ml       60.00
    质粒小提      RK101-03   溶液P1(Buffer P1)                                    100 ml     100.00
    质粒小提      RK101-04   溶液P1(Buffer P1)                                    400 ml     360.00
    质粒小提      RK102-01   溶液P2(Buffer P2)                                    15 ml       20.00
    质粒小提      RK102-02   溶液P2(Buffer P2)                                    60 ml       60.00
    质粒小提      RK102-03   溶液P2(Buffer P2)                                    100 ml     100.00
    质粒小提      RK102-04   溶液P2(Buffer P2)                                    400 ml     360.00
    质粒小提      RK103-01   溶液P3(Buffer P3)                                    20 ml       40.00
    质粒小提      RK103-02   溶液P3(Buffer P3)                                    80 ml      120.00
    质粒小提      RK104-02   溶液III(Buffer III)                                  60 ml       60.00
    质粒小提      RK104-03   溶液III(Buffer III)                                  400 ml     360.00
    质粒小提      RK105-01   去蛋白液PD(Buffer PD)                                  30 ml       70.00
    质粒小提      RK105-02   去蛋白液PD(Buffer PD)                                  120 ml     250.00
    质粒小提      RK113-01   漂洗液PW(Buffer PW)                                   15 ml       20.00
    SBO物料类别   目录号        物料描述                                         规格         目录价
    质粒小提      RK113-02   漂洗液PW(Buffer PW)                             50 ml          48.00
    质粒小提      RK120-01   洗脱缓冲液EB(Buffer EB)                           15 ml          25.00
    质粒小提      RK120-02   洗脱缓冲液EB(Buffer EB)                           30 ml          30.00
    质粒小提      RK140      溶液YP1(Buffer YP1)                            15 ml          30.00
    质粒小提      RK141      溶液YP2(Buffer YP2)                            15 ml          30.00
    质粒小提      RK142      溶液YP3(Buffer YP3)                            20 ml          40.00
    质粒小提      RK150      平衡液BL(Buffer BL)                             15ml           20.00
    质粒小提      RK150-01   平衡液BL(Buffer BL)                             30 ml          30.00
    质粒小提      RK150-03   平衡液BL(Buffer BL)                             120 ml        110.00
    质粒小提      RT405-01   RNaseA(10mg/ml)                              200 ul         30.00
    质粒小提      RT405-02   RNaseA(10mg/ml)                              1000 ul        80.00
    质粒小提      RT405-04   RNaseA                                       150 ul         30.00
    质粒小提      RT405-06   RNaseA(10mg/ml)                              600 ul         80.00
    转染试剂      RM201-01   Lipofect Transfection Reagent                0.5 ml        800.00
    转染试剂      RM201-02   Lipofect Transfection Reagent                5ml         7,000.00
    转染试剂      RM202-01   DNAfectin Transfection Reagent               0.75ml      1,700.00
    转染试剂      RM202-02   DNAfectin Transfection Reagent               4×0.75ml    6,000.00
    转染试剂      RM203-01   RNAfectin Transfection Reagent               0.75ml      1,700.00
    转染试剂      RM203-02   RNAfectin Transfection Reagent               4×0.75ml    6,000.00
    转染试剂      RM204-01   TianFect Transfection Reagent/TianFect转染试剂   750µl       3,050.00
    转染试剂      RM204-02   TianFect Transfection Reagent/TianFect转染试剂   2×750µl     5,000.00

    网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

    harlan teklad官网 TD.88051和TD.90221 TD.94059 胆固醇和胆酸盐的混合高脂饮食

    Beverly Paigen and colleagues first characterized atherosclerosis development in C57BL/6 mice by feeding a hybrid atherogenic diet. The hybrid diet was created by mixing a natural ingredient mouse diet in a 3:1 ratio with a concentrated purified diet (containing 5% cholesterol and 2% sodium cholate; referred to as Thomas-Hartroft diet). The resulting mixture recreated in TD.88051/TD.90221 (same formula) contains ~15.8% fat, 1.25% cholesterol, and 0.5% sodium cholate. This group later compared the hybrid atherogenic diet approach to the more modern “western” purified atherogenic diet with added cholesterol and cholate and found that the hybrid atherogenic diet induced more gallstones and liver damage. Hybrid diets contain a variety of unrefined ingredients that may modify lipid metabolism and atherogenesis and do not allow for precise control of ingredients and nutrients for the study of chronic diseases. Although more refined diets have been developed, hybrid atherogenic diets are still popular for inducing mild atherosclerosis and gallstones in wild type mice and rats. Contact us for more information, modifications, or possible control diets.

    Examples of hybrid high-fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*:

    • TD.88051 and TD.90221 (same formula) are Teklad product codes for hybrid atherogenic diets

    Example of hybrid high-fat diet with added cholesterol (without cholate source):

    Research Use:

    Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) primarily in wild type mice and rats.

    Will not promote obesity.

    Also used for lithogenic (gallstone) rodent studies.

    Key dietary features:

    • 75% rodent breeder diet; 25% purified ingredients
    • High fat (~15% by weight; 37% kcal from fat)
    • Saturated fatty acids (SFA >45% of total fatty acids)
    • Cholesterol (1.25%)
    • Cholate source (0.5%)*


    1. Nishina, P.M., J. Verstuyft, and B. Paigen, Synthetic low and high fat diets for the study of atherosclerosis in the mouse. J Lipid Res, 1990. 31(5): p. 859-69.
    2. Clee, S.M., et al., Plasma and vessel wall lipoprotein lipase have different roles in atherosclerosis. J Lipid Res, 2000. 41(4): p. 521-31.
    3. George, J., et al., Enhanced fatty streak formation in C57BL/6J mice by immunization with heat shock protein-65. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1999. 19(3): p. 505-10.
    4. Miyake, J.H., et al., Transgenic expression of cholesterol-7-alpha-hydroxylase prevents atherosclerosis in C57BL/6J mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2002. 22(1): p. 121-6.
    5. Paigen, B., et al., Quantitative assessment of atherosclerotic lesions in mice. Atherosclerosis, 1987. 68(3): p. 231-40.
    6. Schreyer, S.A., D.L. Wilson, and R.C. LeBoeuf, C57BL/6 mice fed high fat diets as models for diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, 1998. 136(1): p. 17-24.
    7. Vergnes, L., et al., Cholesterol and cholate components of an atherogenic diet induce distinct stages of hepatic inflammatory gene expression. J Biol Chem, 2003. 278(44): p. 42774-84.

    *Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis. However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available. See TD.96121 for a purified diet and TD.94059 for a hybrid diet. Contact us for additional options.