Alpha淀粉酶[米麴菌] α-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) 货号:E-ANAAM Megazyme中文站


英文名:α-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)


规格:20000 Units

High purity alpha-Amylase (A. oryzae) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH13

From Aspergillus oryzae. Electrophoretically homogeneous.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: ~ 126 U/mg

Stable at 4oC for > 4 years. As used in Megazyme Starch Damage method.



Alpha淀粉酶[猪胰腺] α-Amylase (Porcine Pancreatic) 货号:E-PANAA-3G Megazyme中文站


英文名:α-Amylase (Porcine Pancreatic)



High purity alpha-Amylase (Porcine Pancreatic) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH13

From porcine pancreas. Partially purified. Free flowing powder.

Specific activity: ca. 100,000 U/g (40oC, Ceralpha reagent).

Stable at -20oC for > 4 years.

For use in total dietary fiber (including resistant starch) assay procedure.



Megazyme总膳食纤维检测试剂盒Toal Dietary Fibre Assay Kit

上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供Megazyme总膳食纤维检测试剂盒 规格:200次检测


英文名称:Toal Dietary Fibre Assay Kit




使用的酶为高纯度酶,酶之间没有干扰效应的,且具有标准化酶活力。Megazyme 淀粉葡糖甘酶完全没有纤维素酶的活性,但其他公司生产的酶常被此活性污染,那样会导致β-葡聚糖被溶解和含量经常被低估。所有的Megazyme酶都是液态即用型。




应用于谷粒,果蔬,谷物和水果型产品食品。  酶纯度和标准化:

α-淀粉酶(E-BLAAM)的酶活为3,000UmL(Ceralpha 法);蛋白酶的浓度为50mg/mL(~350 酪氨酸U/mL);淀粉葡糖甘酶单位为200U/mL(底物为对硝基苯基β-麦芽糖苷)或单位3300U/ mL(底物为可溶性淀粉),淀粉葡糖甘酶酶活为传统TDF分析使用的150%。

网 址:

氨[快速]检测试剂盒 Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit 货号:K-AMIAR Megazyme中文站


英文名:Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit


规格:96 assays (manual) /960 assays (microplate

分析物意义: 常见食品的组分

Megazyme检测试剂盒优点: K-AMIAR ,反应快(3 min,室温)。



For the rapid assay of ammonia in all samples, including grape juice and wine. Content:96 assays per kit

UV-method for the determination of Ammonia in foodstuffs, 
beverages and other materials

                       (microbial glutamate dehydrogenase)
(1) 2-Oxoglutarate + NADPH + NH4+ → L-glutamic acid + NADP+ 
                                                                        + H2O

Kit size:                            96 assays (manual) / 960 (microplate)
                                         / 960 (auto-analyser)
Method:                            Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time:                  ~ 3 min
Detection limit:                 0.07 mg/L
Application examples:
Grape juice, wine, fruit juices, soft drinks, dairy products (e.g. milk),
dietetic food, soy sauce, eggs and egg products, cheese, meat,
processed meat, seafood, bakery products (and baking agents),
fertilisers, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, cosmetics, water, Kjeldahl
analysis, paper (and cardboard), water and other materials
(e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition:    
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by MEBAK


  • Very rapid reaction due to use of uninhibited glutamate dehydrogenase
  • Enzyme supplied as stabilised suspension
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years as supplied 
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Extended cofactors stability
  • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats


 Q1. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample,  in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q2. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q3. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?

Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.

Q4. Is the K-AMIAR Assay Kit suitable for measurement using cell culture media samples?

Yes, assuming that the concentration of the analyte in the sample (after sample preparation) is above the limit of detection for the kit.  It may be sufficient to use the sample directly in the assay after clarification by centrifugation/filtering followed by dilution (if required) in distilled water. 

Q5. The pH of my sample is low (pH ~ 3.0), do I need to adjust this before I use the sample in the kit assay?

The final pH of the kit assay after the sample is added should not change from what it should be (as stated in the kit for the assay buffer). If it does change then the sample will require pH adjustment. In most cases the sample volume being used is low relative to the final assay volume and in this case the pH of the kit assay is unlikely to be affected.

Q6. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

Q7. Can you explain, step by step, how to follow the method and perform the kit assay?

For users who are not familiar with how to use the Megazyme tests kits then it is recommended that they follow this example, e.g. D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay kit K-FRUGL (

1. The kit components are listed on pages 2-3 of the kit booklet.
2. Prepare the kit reagents as described on page 3.
3. For separate measurements of glucose and fructose follow procedure A on page 4.
4. Pipette the volumes listed for water, sample, solution 1 and solution 2 into 3 mL, 1 cm pathlength cuvettes. Duplicate sample assays and duplicate blanks are recommended. Mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion (seal the cuvette using parafilm or a plastic cuvette cap – do not use a finger) then after ~3 min record the first absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A1).
5. Then add suspension 3 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then record the absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A2). NB. It is essential that the reaction is compete. To assess this, record the absorbances at ~ 2 minute intervals and until the absorbance plateaus. A stable absorbance indicates that the reaction is complete. If the absorbance continues to increase then continue to record absorbances until it plateaus and only then record absorbance reading A2.
6. Then add suspension 4 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then take absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A3). NB. As above, assess that the reaction has completed by take subsequent readings at ~2 min intervals.
7. For simple, automated results analysis, input the absorbance readings (A1, A2, A3) for samples and blanks into the K-FRUGL MegaCalc.

To ensure that the assay is working, and being performed correctly it is recommend that the test is performed using the standard sample that is provided with the kit and to obtain the expected values before proceeding to test real samples.
It is recommend that new users also watch this video which highlights how to perform the assays.
Many of the other Megazyme test kits follow a similar format.

Q8. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?

If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

Q9. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.

Q10. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q11. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

  1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
  2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
  3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

Q12. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q13. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.

Q14. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?

The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.

However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.

Q15. Is it possible to add a larger volume then 2 μL of enzyme to the microplate assay? In some instances 2 μL can be difficult to pipette manually.

Yes, instead of adding 2 μL of enzyme suspension an alternative is to dilute the enzyme and add a larger volume to the microplate assay.

Dilute the assay buffer 10-fold with distilled water and use this as the diluent to dilute an aliquot of the enzyme suspension also by 10-fold. Instead of 2 μL, use 20 μL of the diluted enzyme in the microplate assay.

Q16. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.

Q17. Must the minimum absorbance change for a sample always be at least 0.1?

No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results. 

L-谷氨酸[谷氨酸盐/谷氨酸酯/味精/谷氨酸单钠]检测试剂盒 L-Glutamic Acid Assay Kit 货号:K-GLUT Megazyme中文站


英文名:L-Glutamic Acid Assay Kit


规格:60 assays (manual) /



The L-Glutamic Acid test kit is a simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of L-glutamate (MSG) in foodstuffs.
Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.

Colourimetric method for the determination of L-Glutamic Acid
(Monosodium Glutamate; MSG) in foodstuffs and other materials

(beef liver glutamate dehydrogenase)
(1) L-Glutamic acid + NAD+ + H2O ↔ 2-oxoglutarate + NADH + NH4+

(2) INT + NADH + H+ → NAD+ + INT-formazan

Kit size: 60 assays (manual) / 600 (microplate)
/ 700 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 492 nm
Reaction time: ~ 9 min
Detection limit: 0.21 mg/L
Application examples:
Fruit and vegetables (e.g. tomato), processed fruit and vegetables
(e.g. tomato puree / juice, ketchup, soy sauce), condiments, processed
meat products (e.g. extracts, bouillon and sausages), soup, pharmaceuticals
and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by ISO, GOST
and NMKL


  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Glutamate dehydrogenase solution stable at -20°C
  • No wasted diaphorase solution (stable suspension supplied)
  • Rapid reaction
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats

Q1. What level of cysteine in test samples will affect the results obtained from K-GLUT?

Samples that contain cysteine levels higher than 1 mM will not generate results within the required specification for the K-GLUT assay.

Q2. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q3. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q4. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

Q5. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?

If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

Q6. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q7. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.

Q8. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?

The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:

The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.

Q9. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

  1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
  2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
  3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

Q10. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?

The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.

However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.

Q11. Absorbance values of my sample reactions continue to increase slowly after the reaction should be complete. Is there an explanation for this?

Some samples can react with the INT in the assay and cause a non-enzymatic creep reaction.

The 3rd worksheet in the MegaCalc is used to account for any creep reaction in your results. 

Q12. Must the minimum absorbance change for a sample always be at least 0.1?

No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results. 

Q13. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.

乳果糖检测试剂盒 Lactulose Assay Kit 货号:K-LACTUL Megazyme中文站


英文名:Lactulose Assay Kit


规格:50 assays


The Lactulose Assay Kit is suitable for the specific, rapid and sensitive measurement and analysis of lactulose in milk and milk-based samples. Reagents included in this kit may also be prepared for use in the procedure described by ISO Method 11285:2004.

UV-method for the determination of Lactulose in milk and
foodstuffs containing dairy products

(1) Lactulose + H2O → D-galactose + D-fructose

(glucose oxidase + catalase + H2O2)
(2) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconic acid + H2O2

(3) D-Fructose + ATP → F-6-P + ADP

(phosphoglucose isomerase)
(4) F-6-P → G-6-P

(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(5) G-6-P + NADP+ → gluconate-6-phosphate + NADPH + H+

(gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(6) Gluconate-6-phosphate + NADP+ → ribulose-5-phosphate + NADPH
+ CO2 + H+

Kit size: 50 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 120 min
Detection limit: 4.8 mg/L
Application examples:
Milk, dairy products and foods containing milk
Method recognition: Novel method


  • Twice the sensitivity of traditional hexokinase based lactulose methods
  • Very cost effective
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included

 Q1. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?

Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.

Q2. Some samples generate values of A2 – A1 greater than 0.3?

Samples that generate absorbance values A2 – A1 of 0.3 should be diluted in distilled water prior to the Sample Preparation (section A, page 7) and the second incubation of step 2 increased (glucose oxidase / catalase) to 30 min. 

Q3. What are the critical steps of the K-LACTUL assay kit?

Some critical steps of the assay are as follows:
A2 should be read after approximately 10 min and you should ensure that the reaction has finished, i.e. measure the absorbance until it stops increasing.  (Slight increases in absorbance of 0.001/min or less are acceptable).
The supernatants from both steps (1 and 2) of A. Sample Preparation should be clear. 

Q4. Can the K-LACTUL kit be used to measure samples other than milk-based samples?

The K-LACTUL kit will measure lactulose in most samples however it is the sample preparation prior to the Enzymatic Determination Reaction that is important. Megazyme has only tested milk-based samples, however most samples that do not contain high protein levels may work using the same standard procedure as described in the K-LACTUL data booklet. Samples containing very high levels of free fructose may not work.

Q5. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q6. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q7. Is it possible to check where issues in the measurement of lactulose may be occurring?

If it is suspected that the measurements of K-LACTUL are not correct and there is doubt regarding the performance of the kit then the following steps should be checked.
1. Check that the cuvettes are 1.5 mL microcuvettes and that the volume of the liquid in the cuvettes is high enough for the spectrophotometer.
2. Check the temperature of the reactions is correct.
Using the standard lactulose/fructose solution (bottle 8) that is supplied with the kit will help determine where issues are occurring with the measurement of lactulose samples.  The obvious steps where issues may occur are: A. Sample Preparation (page 7 K-LACTUL booklet) and B. Enzymatic Determination Reaction (page 8 K-LACTUL booklet).
3. The performance of K-LACTUL can be tested as follows:
(A. Sample Preparation (page 7 K-LACTUL booklet)
Use 0.5 mL of the standard lactulose /fructose solution (Bottle 8) which contains 0.1 mg/mL lactulose and 0.05 mg/mL fructose.  The typical individual absorbance values are: A1 = 0.2, A2 = 0.2, A3 = 1.0.  This should generate a final absorbance difference of (A3-A2) of approximately 0.8 (Note: this measurement includes the lactulose and fructose measurement and is not just lactulose content only).
Note: If the correct values are obtained for the performance of K-LACTUL then there is no need to check the performance of the Enzymatic Determination Reaction step separately.
4. The performance of the Enzymatic Determination Reaction step can be tested separately as follows:
B. Enzymatic Determination Reaction (page 8 K-LACTUL booklet)
This test uses 0.1 mL of the standard lactulose /fructose solution (Bottle 8) which contains 0.05 mg/mL fructose. This is equivalent to 5 μg of fructose added to the cuvette and should generate an absorbance difference (A3-A2) of approximately 0.3. If this absorbance difference is obtained then it can be concluded that the step is performing correctly.
Wavelength: 340 nm
Cuvette: 1 cm light path (glass or plastic; 1.5 mL semi-micro)
Final volume: 1.16 mL
Sample solution: 0.65-65 μg of lactulose per cuvette (in 0.1-1.0 mL sample volume)
Read against air (without cuvette in the light path) or against water Pipette

Pipette into cuvettes



standard 8 (lactulose/fructose solution)

distilled water

solution 3 (imidazole buffer)

solution 4 (NADP+/ATP)

0.10 mL

0.90 mL

0.05 mL

0.05 mL

1.00 mL

0.05 mL

0.05 mL

Mix*, read absorbance of the solutions (A1) after approx. 3 min and start the reactions by addition of:

suspension 5 (HK/G-6-PDH)

suspension 6 (6-PGDH)

0.02 mL

0.02 mL

0.02 mL

0.02 mL

Mix*, read absorbance of the solutions (A2) at the end of the reaction (approx. 10 min).  Then add:

suspension 7 (PGI)

0.02 mL

0.02 mL

Mix*, read absorbance of the solutions (A3) at the end of the reaction (approx. 15 min).

* for example with a plastic spatula or by gentle inversion after sealing the cuvette with a cuvette cap or Parafilm®. 

Q8. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

Q9. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?

If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

Q10. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q11. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?

The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:

The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.

Q12. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

  1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
  2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
  3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

Q13. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.

Q14. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?

The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.

However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.

Q16. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.

Q15. Must the minimum absorbance change for a sample always be at least 0.1?

No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results. 

丙酮酸激酶(兔肌) Pyruvate kinase (rabbit muscle) 货号:E-PKRM Megazyme中文站


英文名:Pyruvate kinase (rabbit muscle)


规格:5,000 Units at 37°C

High purity pyruvate kinase (rabbit muscle) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAS: 9001-59-6

ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferase

From rabbit muscle.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Supplied at ~ 2,500 U/mL.

Specific activity: 233 U/mg protein at pH 7.2 and 37oC.

Stability: > 2 years 4oC.



α-葡萄糖苷酶(嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌)(重组) α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) (Recombinant) 货号:E-TSAGS Megazyme中文站


英文名:α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) (Recombinant)


规格:3000 Units at 40°C /6000 Units at 60°C


CAZY Family: GH13
Recombinant from Bacillus stearothermophilus. In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: ~ 280 U/mg (60oC, pH 6.5 on p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside); ~ 135 U/mg (40oC, pH 6.5 on p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside).
Action on other substrates: Blocked p-nitrophenol maltoheptaoside < 0.0001 %
Stability: > 4 years at 4oC.




1,4-β-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride reduced cellopentaose) 1,4-β-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride reduced cellopentaose) 货号:O-CPERD Megazyme中文站

1,4-β-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride reduced cellopentaose)

英文名:1,4-β-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride reduced cellopentaose)


规格:30 mg

CAS: 61473-65-2
Molecular Formula: C30H54O26
Molecular Weight: 830.7
Purity: > 95%

High purity 1,4-β-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride reduced cellopentaose) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

Pentasaccharide from hydrolysis of cellulose and borohydride reduced.

Store at room temperature.



a-L-阿拉伯呋喃糖酶[杆菌芽胞] α-L-Arabinofuranosidase (Clostridium thermocellum) 货号:E-ABFCT Megazyme中文站


英文名:α-L-Arabinofuranosidase (Clostridium thermocellum)


规格:500 Units at 40°C

High purity recombinant alpha-L-Arabinofuranosidase (Clostridium thermocellum) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. 

CAZy family: GH51

Recombinant. From Clostridium thermocellum. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: 58 U/mg protein on p-nitrophenyl-α-L-arabinofuranoside at pH 5.5 and 40oC (155 U/mg at pH 5.5 and 60oC).

Stable at 4oC for ~ 4 years.



Beta葡聚糖[混联]检测试剂盒 β-Glucan Assay Kit (Mixed Linkage) 货号:K-BGLU Megazyme中文站


英文名:β-Glucan Assay Kit (Mixed Linkage)


规格:100 assays per kit

分析物意义: 大麦和燕麦的主要细胞壁多糖 

Megazyme检测试剂盒优点:反应迅速、试剂稳定, 只有酶检测试剂盒可用。 AOAC方法 995.16; AACC 方法 32-23 

AACC Method 32-23.01, AOAC Method 995.16, EBC Methods 3.11.1, 4.16.1 and 8.11.1, ICC Standard No. 166 and RACI standard method for the measurement of 1,3:1,4-ß-D-glucan in cereal grains, milling fractions, wort and beer. Recommended/Standard procedure of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), European Brewing Convention (EBC), and International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). Content:100 assays per kit

Colourimetric method for the determination of β-Glucan in
cereal grains, feed, foodstuffs, beverages and other materials

(1) β-Glucan + H2O → β-gluco-oligosaccharides

(2) β-Gluco-oligosaccharides + H2O → D-glucose

(glucose oxidase)
(3) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconate + H2O2

(4) 2H2O2 + p-hydroxybenzoic acid + 4-aminoantipyrine →
quinoneimine + 4H2O

Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 510 nm
Total assay time: ~ 100 min
Detection limit: 0.5-100% of sample weight
Application examples:
Oats, barley, malt, wort, beer, food and other materials
Method recognition:
AOAC (Method 995.16), AACC (Method 32-23.01), EBC (Methods
3.10.1, 4.16.1 and 8.13.1), ICC (Standard No. 166), RACI (Standard
Method) and CODEX (Type II Method)


  • Very cost effective
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years as supplied
  • Only enzymatic kit available
  • Very specific
  • Simple format
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included

Q1. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q2. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample,  in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q3. We have measured the molecular weight of beta-glucan originating from barley ordered from your company. Can you please tell us which method have you used for measuring molecular weight?

The MW’s were determined by Multiangle laser light scattering technique.

Q4. I have purchased barley beta-glucan (lot 30108) and carob galactomannan low viscosity (lot 30702) and would like to know what else there might be in these substrates.

Barley beta-glucan lot 30108 would contain about 3-4% arabinoxylan (this was produced in 1993).  Material supplied post 1995 contains < 0.5% arabinoxylan.  Carob galactomannan is quite pure (> 96%).

Q5. Although not specified on the beta-glucan data sheet, is the ratio of 1-3 to 1-4 bonds measured? If so, what is the ratio and would you expect it to remain standardised over a number of different batches?

The content of 1,3 bonds in barley beta-glucan is about 32% (from literature).  We would not expect this to change much (if at all) over different batches.

Q6. Both substrates; barley beta-glucan and wheat arabinoxylan, are standardised to a specific viscosity, e.g. 23-24 cSt. Are the substrates adjusted to give this viscosity?

The substrates are enzymically treated to yield the required viscosity (20 ~ 30 cSt). Modification of the viscosity of beta-glucan is required for IOB viscometric malt beta-glucanase test (which works well).

Q7. We are setting up reducing-sugar assays for both beta-glucanase and xylanase from different fungal origins. Which barley beta-glucan do you recommend for the glucanase assay.

For glucanase assay we recommend the medium viscosity beta-glucan.  We now offer low, medium and high viscosity wheat arabinoxylans, and we think that the low viscosity material will be best (easiest) to use in the reducing-sugar assay.

黄递酶[大肠杆菌] Diaphorase (E. coli) 货号:E-DIAEC Megazyme中文站


英文名:Diaphorase (E. coli)


规格:1000 Units

High purity Diaphorase (E. coli) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.


From E. coli. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: 69 U/mg (25oC, pH 9.0).

Stable at 4oC for > 2 years.



Alpha葡[萄]糖苷酶[嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌] α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) 货号:E-TSAGL Megazyme中文站


英文名:α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus)


规格:1500 Units

High purity alpha-Glucosidase (B. stearothermophilus) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH13

From B. stearothermophilus. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: > 80 U/mg (40oC, pH 6.5, p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucoside).

Stable at 4oC for > 4 years.



膳食纤维控粉总量检测试剂盒 Total Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit 货号:K-TDFC Megazyme中文站


英文名:Total Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit


规格:Sufficient for 6 Controls


For use with the Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit.
Contains barley ß-glucan, high amylose maize starch, wheat starch, casein, pectin and larch galactan. Wheat arabinoxylan is available on request. Content: Sufficient for 10 assays



木聚糖酶检测底物(1000) Xylazyme (100mg) – 1000 Tablets 货号:T-XYZ-1000T Megazyme中文站


英文名:Xylazyme (100mg) – 1000 Tablets


规格:1000 Tablets

High purity dyed and crosslinked Xylazyme (100 mg tablets) for the measurement of enzyme activity, for research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

For the assay of endo-1,4-ß-D-xylanase. Containing AZCL-arabinoxylan (wheat). This substrate is the same as Xylazyme AX except for the larger tablet size (i.e. 100 mg cf. 60 mg) and slightly different assay format.


PDF Download



外切-1,3 – β-D-葡聚糖酶+β葡萄糖苷 exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase + β-Glucosidase 货号:E-EXBGOS Megazyme中文站

外切-1,3 – β-D-葡聚糖酶+β葡萄糖苷

英文名:exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase + β-Glucosidase


规格:300 Units exo-13-β-glucanase/

High purity exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase Trichoderma sp. + β-Glucosidase (Aspergillus niger) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

EC (exo-1,3-β-Glucanase)
CAZy Family: GH55
CAS: 9073-49-8

glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase; 3-beta-D-glucan glucohydrolase

EC (β-Glucosidase)
CAZy Family: GH3
CAS: 9001-22-3


exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase: Recombinant. From Trichoderma sp.
β-Glucosidase: From Aspergillus niger.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Activity/Concentration: exo-1,3-β-Glucanase (100 U/mL) / β-Glucosidase (20 U/mL).

Stability: > 2 years at 4oC.


exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase + β-Glucosidase

EC (exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase)
CAZy Family: GH55
CAS: 9073-49-8

EC (β-Glucosidase)
CAZY Family: GH3
CAS: 9001-22-3

(exo-1,3-β-D-Glucanase): glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase; 3-beta-D-glucan glucohydrolase (β-Glucosidase): beta-glucosidase

In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

> 2 years at 4oC.

exo-1,3-β-Glucanase: 100 U/mL 
β-Glucosidase: 20 U/mL

Unit definition:
One Unit of exo-1,3-β-glucanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release one μmole of glucose reducing-sugar equivalents per minute from laminarin (10 mg/mL) in sodium acetate buffer (100 mM), pH 4.0 at 40oC.

One Unit of β-glucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release one μmole of p-nitrophenol per minute from 4-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucpyranoside in sodium acetate buffer (100 mM), pH 4.0 at 40oC.

exo-1,3-β-glucanase: Successive hydrolysis of β-D-glucose units from the non-reducing ends of (1,3)-β-D-glucans, releasing α-glucose.

β-glucosidase: Hydrolysis of terminal, non-reducing β-D-glucosyl residues with release of β-D-glucose.

For use in the determination of (1,3)(1,4) β-glucan.



菊粉外切酶[黑曲霉] exo-Inulinase (Aspergillus niger) (Recombinant) 货号:E-EXOIAN Megazyme中文站


英文名:exo-Inulinase (Aspergillus niger) (Recombinant)


规格:5000 Units at 40°C

High purity recombinant exo-Inulinase (Aspergillus niger) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH32
CAS: 37288-56-5

fructan beta-fructosidase; beta-D-fructan fructohydrolase

(Also assigned to EC
CAZy Family: GH32
CAS: 9001-57-4

beta-fructofuranosidase; beta-D-fructofuranoside fructohydrolase

Recombinant. From Aspergillus niger.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: ~ 2000 U/mg (60oC, pH 4.5 on kestose); ~1000 U/mg (40oC, pH 4.5 on kestose).

Stability: > 4 years at 4oC.




淀粉葡萄糖苷酶[根霉] Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.) 货号:E-AMGPU Megazyme中文站


英文名:Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.)



High purity Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH15

From Rhizopus sp. Ultra high purity. Electrophoretically homogeneous. Freeze-dried powder.

Specific activity: approx. 35 U/mg (40oC, pH 4.5, soluble starch as substrate).

Stable for > 4 years at -20oC.



Beta葡[萄]糖苷酶[农杆菌] Beta-Glucosidase – 600U. 货号:E-BGOSAG Megazyme中文站


英文名:Beta-Glucosidase – 600U.



High purity beta-Glucosidase (Agrobacterium sp.) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH1

From Agrobacterium sp. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate. Stabilised with BSA. Electrophoretically homogeneous (before BSA addition).

Specific activity: 211 U/mg (40oC, pH 4.0, p-nitrophenyl β-glucoside).

Stable at 4oC for > 4 years.



山梨醇/木糖醇检测试剂盒 D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit 货号:K-SORB Megazyme中文站


英文名:D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit


规格:58 assays (manual) / 580 assays (microplate)

分析物意义: 食品中常见的增甜剂有阿斯巴甜、D-甘露醇、D-山梨醇和木糖醇

Megazyme检测试剂盒优点:K-SORB- 提供的硫辛安脱氢酶是稳定的悬浮液而不是可溶性粉末,从而减少酶的浪费

The D-Sorbitol/Xylitol test kit is suitable for the measurement and analysis of D-sorbitol and/or xylitol in food products.
Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.

Colourimetric method for the determination of D-Sorbitol and
Xylitol in foodstuffs and wine

(sorbitol dehydrogenase)
(1) D-Sorbitol + NAD+ ↔ D-fructose + NADH + H+

(sorbitol dehydrogenase)
(2) Xylitol + NAD+ ↔ D-xylulose + NADH + H+

(3) INT + NADH + H+ → NAD+ + INT-formazan

Kit size: 58 assays (manual) / 580 (microplate)
/ 700 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 492 nm
Reaction time: ~ 15 min
Detection limit: 0.20 mg/L
Application examples:
Diabetic foods (e.g. honey, jam and chocolate), dietetic foods,
chewing gum, candies, fruit juice (e.g. apple juice), ice-cream, sweets,
bakery products (e.g. desserts), marzipan, paper (and cardboard),
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other materials (e.g. biological cultures,
samples, etc.)
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by IFU and AIJN


  • Each vial of sorbitol dehydrogenase is stable for > 2 months at 4°C after dissolution
  • No wasted diaphorase solution (stable suspension supplied)
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • Reagents stable for > 2 years as supplied
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats


 Q1. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q2. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.
Deproteinisation with perchloric acid:
1 M Perchloric acid: [Sigma Cat No. 244252; MW 100.46; d = 1.664 (g/mL); 16.56 M]
Add 6 mL perchloric acid to 94 mL of distilled water and mix thoroughly.
1 M potassium hydroxide: (Sigma Cat No. 60369; MW 56.11; 86% assay)
Add 6.5 g of potassium hydroxide pellets to approximately 80 mL of distilled water and stir to dissolve.  Make to 100 mL with distilled water.
Deproteinise samples containing protein by adding an equal volume of ice-cold 1 M perchloric acid with mixing.  Filter or centrifuge at 1,500 g for 10 min and adjust the pH of the supernatant to between 7 and 8 with 1 M KOH.  Use the supernatant in the assay after appropriate dilution.  Alternatively, use trichloroacetic acid.
Deproteinisation with trichloroacetic acid:
50% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid (approx. 3 M): (Sigma Cat No. 33731; MW 163.39)
Add 50 g of trichloroacetic acid to approximately 80 mL of distilled water and stir to dissolve.  Make to 100 mL with distilled water.  

Q3. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

Q4. The pH of my sample is low (pH ~ 3.0), do I need to adjust this before I use the sample in the kit assay?

The final pH of the kit assay after the sample is added should not change from what it should be (as stated in the kit for the assay buffer). If it does change then the sample will require pH adjustment. In most cases the sample volume being used is low relative to the final assay volume and in this case the pH of the kit assay is unlikely to be affected.

Q5. Can you explain, step by step, how to follow the method and perform the kit assay?

For users who are not familiar with how to use the Megazyme tests kits then it is recommended that they follow this example, e.g. D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay kit K-FRUGL (

1. The kit components are listed on pages 2-3 of the kit booklet.
2. Prepare the kit reagents as described on page 3.
3. For separate measurements of glucose and fructose follow procedure A on page 4.
4. Pipette the volumes listed for water, sample, solution 1 and solution 2 into 3 mL, 1 cm pathlength cuvettes. Duplicate sample assays and duplicate blanks are recommended. Mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion (seal the cuvette using parafilm or a plastic cuvette cap – do not use a finger) then after ~3 min record the first absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A1).
5. Then add suspension 3 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then record the absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A2). NB. It is essential that the reaction is compete. To assess this, record the absorbances at ~ 2 minute intervals and until the absorbance plateaus. A stable absorbance indicates that the reaction is complete. If the absorbance continues to increase then continue to record absorbances until it plateaus and only then record absorbance reading A2.
6. Then add suspension 4 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then take absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A3). NB. As above, assess that the reaction has completed by take subsequent readings at ~2 min intervals.
7. For simple, automated results analysis, input the absorbance readings (A1, A2, A3) for samples and blanks into the 
K-FRUGL MegaCalc.

To ensure that the assay is working, and being performed correctly it is recommend that the test is performed using the standard sample that is provided with the kit and to obtain the expected values before proceeding to test real samples.
It is recommend that new users also watch 
this video which highlights how to perform the assays.
Many of the other Megazyme test kits follow a similar format.

Q6. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?

If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

Q7. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?

The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:

The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.

Q8. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

  1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
  2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
  3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

Q9. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q10. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?

The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.

However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.

Q11. Is it possible to add a larger volume then 2 μL of enzyme to the microplate assay? In some instances 2 μL can be difficult to pipette manually.

Yes, instead of adding 2 μL of enzyme suspension an alternative is to dilute the enzyme and add a larger volume to the microplate assay.

Dilute the assay buffer 10-fold with distilled water and use this as the diluent to dilute an aliquot of the enzyme suspension also by 10-fold. Instead of 2 μL, use 20 μL of the diluted enzyme in the microplate assay.

Q12. Absorbance values of my sample reactions continue to increase slowly after the reaction should be complete. Is there an explanation for this?

Some samples can react with the INT in the assay and cause a non-enzymatic creep reaction.

The 3rd worksheet in the MegaCalc is used to account for any creep reaction in your results. 

Q13. Must the minimum absorbance change for a sample always be at least 0.1?

No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results. 

Q14. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.

1,4-b-D-半乳糖内切酶[芽孢杆菌] endo-1,4-β-Galactanase (Cellvibrio japonicus) 货号:E-GALCJ Megazyme中文站


英文名:endo-1,4-β-Galactanase (Cellvibrio japonicus)


规格:1500 Units

High purity recombinant endo-1,4-beta-Galactanase (Cellvibrio japonicus) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH53

Recombinant. Native full-length Gal53 from Cellvibrio japonicus. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: ~ 100 U/mg (40oC, pH 8.0 on potato galactan).

Stability: > 2 years at 4oC.



6-磷酸葡糖酸脱氢酶[大肠杆菌] 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E. coli) 货号:E-PGDHEC Megazyme中文站


英文名:6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E. coli)


规格:150 Units

High purity recombinant 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E. coli) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.


Recombinant from E. coli. 
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: ~30 U/mg (25oC, pH 7.6).

Stable at 4oC for > 2 years.

